Keyboard problem OS 10.4.4


One of my users has an ongoing problem. He's copying and renaming files in finder and the keyboard stops working. If he clicks on another application the keyboard works fine. The only way he can rectify it is to relaunch finder which is a pain.

I've repaired disk permissions and it worked ok for a week but then the problem comes back.

Has anyone got any suggestions before I do a rebuilld?
When you first got this Mac, did they first reload the original software Restore disk? I find the Finder can be a little buggy when additional menu software is/has been used. The only fixes I have come across is deleting the user's Finder Preferences (and immediately restarting) from ~/Library/Preferences/ or reinstalling OS X (if the same behavior occurs in different accounts on the same machine). I know the same suggestion is harsh, but I feel the Finder is that buggy.

Now one thing that helps the Finder is never using the delta updates (the ones from the Software Update). When OS X updates come out I usually go to the Apple downloads page and update using the Combo updates. The only thing difference between the delta update compared to the combo updates are thinking like this. Delta updates just UPDATE files while Combo updates REPLACE those files. Combo also can bring a software up to date like going from 10.4.0 to 10.4.whatever with that one whatever Combo update. Even reinstalling with the current Combo update can help the Finder.
I work for a big publishing company and all the machines have their specific image installed. I deleted the finder preferences already. I'm probably going to upgrade to 10.4.7 this afternoon.