Kitten vs Front Row

Well, that's one brave fellow. Personally, I would not encourage my cat to attack my notebook screen. Cat claws can't be good for LCDs.
I bet he then will complain about his screen and Mac scratching everywhere. I especially liked the point (near the end of the video) when the kitten starts biting the power cord. Can you say one dead cat.
I especially liked the point (near the end of the video) when the kitten starts biting the power cord. Can you say one dead cat.

Our cat used to chew on power wires until he got a little shock. We think he did it for the little "buzz" it provided. He lived to a very ripe old age despite his weird addiction to electricity.
we used to have a kitten that would bite the small christmas light bulbs on our tree. we had to not put light around the bottom half of the tree to keep him from doing it. we were sick of trying to get broken glass out of the carpet.
The best part about this post is that instead of everyone going "Awww isn't that cute!" They all went "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! That poor Mac!!" Which is the same reaction I had, even though it was pretty cute.
Don't underestimate some people. At least my ex-girlfriend thought the kitten was cute and didn't care much about the 'book. ;)
When our dog was a puppy she bit through both the power and video-out cables on my iBook, costing me quite a bit in replacement.
the kitten was declawed, you can tell by no marks being left on the screen. My cat did stuff like that when he was a kitten chasing my mouse cursor around on my desktop