ssh uses it. It should be located at /etc/.ssh/known_hosts
That's strange -- are you sure it's not just a portion of the previous line? Perhaps it line-wrapped... all of my known_host entries end with an alpha followed by an equals sign, such as "k=" and "s=".
I assumed at first that it was a wrap but it's not. also since this is my laptop I frequently delete (portions of) it to keep it up to date with my changing fingerprints, so it can't have been there too too long.
Well, you said you delete portions of it to keep it in sync, so perhaps it had wrapped while you were editing it and you didn't delete that last part. That would make some sense...
You might think so but I always either use pico -w which turns off line wrapping, then use CTRL-K to delete a whole line, or I just 'rm .ssh/known_hosts'
Of course, it's not impossible.
I was just wondering if it had meaning, but it looks like an anomaly.