LaCie External HD Problem


So I am having a little problem with my external HD. When I connect the HD it works fine, powers up and finder recognizes it. Ejecting it also works fine, I eject in from the finder and can turn it off.

The problem is turning it back on. Because I have not physically disconnected it from my Mac when I turn it back on by using the power button, finder does not recognize it as a connected device.

I hope that makes sense and thanks in advance for any help.
Yep, this will happen if you do not unmount the external, any external. This is a price we pay for having a BSD core (UNIX) in OS X. To unmount any external you plug into a Mac, drag it to your Trash Can and the Trash Can will change to an Eject symbol. The drive then will disappear and you can disconnect it.

To get back mounting because you just pulled the disk (without un-mounting it first) just Reset your Pram (without any external plugged in at the time). Then see if the external will mount.

Good Luck.
Thanks for your help but I think I did not accurately describe my problem. I am able to get the drive to mount, but I have to first physically disconnect it from my Mac.

Right now it works like this: first I connect the drive, it mounts, then to unmount it I do the steps you described above (drag it to the dock...). Then I turn off the external and physically disconnect it from my computer. To later access the drive I have to plug it back into my computer and then it works. I would like to cut out the disconnecting step.

Preferably I would unmount the drive via finder, power it off and when I would like to access it later I simply push the power button. For a reason unknown to me, when I do this finder does not recognize the device and the only remedy is to restart my computer so I can safely remove the external.