laptop screen brightness


The screen on my G3 Bronze laptop (10.3.9) has turned extremely dark gray. Maxing the brightness function doesn't change it. Is there anything I can do?
Check the Color Calibration in the Displays Pref Panel.

If the screen (backlight) is getting old setting it for Windows Gamma brightens things up.
Simbalala - I played around with the Display Pref Panel. No change. I couldn't find "Windows Gamma" (even in the HD) K.T.
And you recalibtrated the screen? Or just "played around" in the pref panel?
The standard gamma is set at 1.8, the white point is native. Those are the "best" settings in the Pref Display Panel.
If you have actually tried calibrating the display - not clear, as you only mention that your settings appear correct - then your backlight is failing, or already has failed.
Press F15 it Will brighten your screen up :)
a G3 PowerBook doesn't have an f15, and uses other f keys for screen brightness. Usually f2 is the screen brightness key on any PowerBook.
The backlight bulbs deteriorate over time. Not really the screen itself. Some backlights are fairly simple to replace, others require replacement of the screen, which is never a cheap repair.
If you want to try a repair, google for 'powerbook display repairs', or 'powerbook backlight repairs', and check out some of the choices that you get.