Leopard - 1 week to go?

They will be "put out to dry" if Leopard releases with some major bugs ...

If recent history is anything to go by, the major media outlets will hang Apple out to dry if there are any reports anywhere on the Internet of anyone not being completely happy.

CNN aired their first iPhone complaint story only 10 minutes after the official release (the story claimed that "many users have not been able to get a response from the registration server"). They showed footage of the crowds lining up to buy their iPhones, with the voiceover "Angry customers gathered at Apple stores around the country to complain about problems with their iPhones".

Other major outlets have started carrying "defective iPod touch screen" stories already.

When the Wii was released, the major outlets were carrying stories about breaking wrist straps and people injuring themselves. Microsoft can't release *anything* without getting the same treatment. Admittedly, I don't much like Microsoft for some of their business practices, but I would prefer news stories about them to be fair and balanced.

In fact, it seems that the news outlets have the bizarre notion that a "balanced approach to news" means that every tech story that begins "Company X today launched a device that ..." must include the comments of unsourced websites complaining about the device.
To be fair, it seems like iPod touch in the initial 2 weeks of production had more than 33% faulty screens. That's not a small blunder, I'd say, and it was not expected, since everyone outside of Apple thought it'd just be the same screen the iPhone uses, hence problems should certainly not have arisen there. I think that _does_ warrant a little bad press.
I have two questions for anyone in the know:

  • Will it also be available on CD installers?
  • Will my hardware cope (see specs below)?
P.S. Do I get to qualify for the first Leopard problem solving query thread on this site?
I doubt it will be on cd installers, it will probably take 8 cd's if they do, and I bet it will work with those specs, because I can run 10.4.10 perfectly on the 333mhz Blueberry iMac G3. Here's my questions, will they make a dual layer one?
I still use OS 9 every second day - and it can cope well with OS X printers etc., which I wouldn't have ever thought.

baaaah its probably nothing.!!!!!!! gosh why dont they just say a freakin day and thats it....Apple likes for its customer to suffer
Quite a jump from a "G3, G4 or G5" processor, for Tiger.

proof of modernisation. being as leopard will save an instance of every file in every state ever, presumably, on the fly, while also making live previews of all of these files, while also allowing the graphical impressiveness of supposed core animation possiblities, it's showing hallmarks of a modern system: using the power of modern computers to their fullest, exceeding the possiblities of what a computer can and/or should do.

i'm all for it. i have a 7 year old ibook. the fact that it can run the latest and greatest at the moment is very impressive, but it had to stop at some point.

i'm sure apple could have got leopard running quite happily on it, but tiger runs better. so there's no point.

the newest mac that fell off the cut off point for leopard was discontinued over 4 years ago (eMac/Powerbook 2003). it's progress.

all we have to hope is that it is progress, and not bloat.
I don't know, Major Burns, 4 years is not very old; right on the cusp of acceptability IMO. I agree 6+ years is fair enough, but the eMacs/Powerbook 800Mhz should be able to run it. Still, I do agree that in order to push the new features it does make sense. Particularly core animation, time machine and of course the love-it-or-hate-it cover flow view.

So, these "top secret" features they have been touting for 2 years had better be spectacular. Anyone have any guesses?

My guesses:

1) A BluRay drive with all new macs, thus BluRay support in Leopard.
2) Some special Mac-only integration with the Touch/iPhone
3) Steve will wear a Hawaiian shirt, and it will be the default wallpaper ;)
Secret feature? That's easy.

Apple will place five golden tickets in the first shipment of Leopard-having Macs. The winners will get a grand tour of Apple, Inc. and have dinner with Steve Jobs.

(Seriously, they could move some product with that incentive.)
Whats the point of the family edition? I mean, in my house we have like 4 computers that were reformated off of the same disc.
yup. the standard edition has one legal licence for one mac. the family edition has licences for up to 5 macs.