Scratch & Sniff Committee
They will be "put out to dry" if Leopard releases with some major bugs ...
If recent history is anything to go by, the major media outlets will hang Apple out to dry if there are any reports anywhere on the Internet of anyone not being completely happy.
CNN aired their first iPhone complaint story only 10 minutes after the official release (the story claimed that "many users have not been able to get a response from the registration server"). They showed footage of the crowds lining up to buy their iPhones, with the voiceover "Angry customers gathered at Apple stores around the country to complain about problems with their iPhones".
Other major outlets have started carrying "defective iPod touch screen" stories already.
When the Wii was released, the major outlets were carrying stories about breaking wrist straps and people injuring themselves. Microsoft can't release *anything* without getting the same treatment. Admittedly, I don't much like Microsoft for some of their business practices, but I would prefer news stories about them to be fair and balanced.
In fact, it seems that the news outlets have the bizarre notion that a "balanced approach to news" means that every tech story that begins "Company X today launched a device that ..." must include the comments of unsourced websites complaining about the device.