Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

Right you are. I had an old version of Safari linked in my dock. Once I updated its pointer, things were fine. False alarm.
The Fed Ex person at our local office told me that Apple had so many orders that were set (promised) for Friday delivery that Fed Ex told them they'd never be able to get them all out by Friday. Mine arrived on Saturday. Clearly a lack of communication or coordination between the two companies.
I haven't got Leopard yet, as I'm waiting to see how compatible my existing applications are before taking the plunge. One of the things I was more concerned about was ensuring that the Adobe Creative Suite 3 is compatible or has only minor issues. I've found that Adobe have released a PDF which outlines support for Leopard. It sounds like most of CS3 is fine (although video apps may need minor updates), except for Acrobat Professional. CS2 and earlier seem to not be so guaranteed.
Just want to hear what software you believe does not work in Leopard for reasons unknown:


Edit from Jason:

Please report any compatibility problems and/or bugs you have with Leopard here. If you have more indepth questions, please feel free to post a new thread though. This is mainly for collection and reporting. :)
Photoshop CS3 is not working(error tells me file is locked and to go to "Get Info" to unlock it, it is not locked in "Get Info" and does not work(all other CS3 Applications work fine/AI/LR/BR/ID, Safari freezes every time it gets to an "Auto fill" page. Someow my key chaing got nuked and this is the root cause for all of the other problems I would guess, the software update that apple rushed out on Saturday was to late to fix my system, I am typing this back on 10.4.10 on after a Superduper re install of 10.4.10, Leopard is scary.

the widget
My complaint is that the killed the ability to send Bluetooth SMS from address book. No more english messages from me.

I have paid for the new Leopard, but have yet to receive it from Apple.
I though tit would have been delivered to my home on Friday, but to no avail.
Saturday came and is almost over at 10:45 PM. Any suggestions as to who to contact? Thanking you in advance, Joe Rock

Mine showed up at 10:30am on Friday, as expected. Did they send you a shipping confirmation with the tracking number?
I've had some compatibility issues, namely The Missing Sync for Palm, a few CS3 apps, and a conduit that needs to be updated for a Canon C2880 printer. Those are issues that will be eventually taken care of by the 3rd party developers. My biggest problem with Leopard is the Mail program. It won't delete any of my AOL (IMAP) mail without me first moving the mail out of my in-box to another folder and then deleting it from there. It says the following:

The message “Mac OS X Leopard is here. Don't miss tonight's World Premiere.” could not be moved to the mailbox “Deleted Messages — IMAP Account”

The IMAP command “UID COPY” (to Deleted Messages) failed for the mailbox “INBOX” with server error: UID COPY failed Deleted Messages: no such mailbox.

Also, I can't delete anything that I have in my Drafts folder at all.

Does anyone else have this problem? Other than that, everything else – including Quicksilver – works fine.
I have a G4 with a Sonnet Encore/ST 1.4 GHz card. It's been running so well I completely forgot I had a 3rd party processor&#8230;until the Leopard install. I got up and running but couldn't install the downloaded updates for the system because the installer hung. Happened on either of the four d/l installers. Double-clicking on a MYOB database in Leopard opened up&#8230;KDX Client! What the&#8230;?! Tried to set up my complimentary .Mac account in System Preferences &#8211;> System Preferences hung. The Finder also hung and had to be relaunched on three occasions. Sonnet claim there should be no compatibility issues with their processors and Leopard. I dunno what the problem is but until further notice I've reinstalled Tiger from my trusty backup.

Btw, I positively h-a-t-e the stacks.
I can't get Leopard to encrypt a disk image.

I'll create a new image, type in the new passwords and all that but when I mount the image it doesn't ask me for the password. Unless I'm missing something. Has anyone else run into this? I did a search and came up with nothing.

And, of course, my repair permissions function is loopy too.
1. When I am scrolling up (using two fingers on the mouse pad) safari will jump to another tab (always the same one -- the third one).

2. I noticed that when I ejected external hard drives (maybe just sometimes or maybe just NTFS ones?) my finder window closed.
I can't get Leopard to encrypt a disk image.

I'll create a new image, type in the new passwords and all that but when I mount the image it doesn't ask me for the password. Unless I'm missing something. Has anyone else run into this? I did a search and came up with nothing.

And, of course, my repair permissions function is loopy too.

Did you miss the "Store password in Keychain" checkbox? It's checked by default. I just created a 256 bit AES encrypted disk image and it worked fine for me. But I unchecked store password in keychain so it of course prompts me for the password.
1. When I am scrolling up (using two fingers on the mouse pad) safari will jump to another tab (always the same one -- the third one).

What happens if you have only two tabs open? If you try with 4 or more, does it matter which tab is the third? Move them around and try again. My guess: Javascript on a certain page in that third tab is messing things up.
Can't seem to get Leopard to recognize my HP Laserjet 1010 printer.... any ideas? Have been looking all over the web, but can't seem to find a solution for this!
i finally got it going on my trusty g4 (see specs below) it started to boot the dvd just fine. i have my macs set to always verbose mode (i like to see whats happening) and noticed that there were alot of errors, a ton really, all kinds of missing things that the boot os on the dvd was looking for but either couldn't find, or couldn't create because the boot disk was locked (very sloppy on apple's part if you ask me). and it seemed to hang on one of those error, so i kept rebooting, and it'd hang around the same place. well, i had to go somewhere and came back an hour later, and there the installer was waiting for me. it installed quick on a second hard drive i threw in just to see how i like leopard. but when it rebooted it went to the dvd again. so i yanked it out and it went right to 10.4. i checked startup disk prefs, and it was set to 10.5, i was confused. restarted with option held, and 10.5 wouldn't show up. so i turned it off, and unplugged my 10.4 disk. then it did start in 10.5, but it also seemed to hang, so i waited, and after 10 min, it came to life and the desktop showed up. the login update didn't fix it either. well, to cut out the details, i figured out that once 10.5 is installed, you can only boot from hard drives that are set as master on ide chains. if both drives are on the same chain, you can not boot from the drive set as slave. very unmac like. i've never had that issue before. so i had to dig out another ide cable and plug the other dirve into my card's second ide channel. now i have dual boot between 10.4, and 10.5 (i haven't even tried going to my old 9.2.2 boot system yet), but with 10.5 taking over 10min to get to the desktop, i'm not likely to use it hardly ever. and even though once 10.5 is up and running, it seems just as fast as 10.4, cpu intenisve apps (like handbrake) take long to do things. like in handbrake, a 25min video rip takes about 35min in 10.4, but almost an hour in 10.5. i haven't had much time to try anything else, menu meters works, islayer's sysstat works, as well as temperature monitor with the lite version and its widget. but tinkertool doesn't. i did find a bug with disk utility. i went to try to do a live partition like the help file said i could, but it failed, because it needed the disk to be formatted with a file system that supports live partition, like hfs+ journaled, which i did have it formatted in, but with 10.4, not 10.5, so that makes me think that even though they are named the same, they are not deep down, and apple should of said something about that (but now i remember that i had os 9 drivers installed on the drive too, which could be why. but again there should be something that tells you that those drivers will limit what you can do.). all in all, leoaprd is pretty, but untill i can figure out how to bring the boot time to back to around a min or less like it is in 10.4, i will be spending very, very little time with it.

ps- anyone installed it on a 1ghz g4 ibook yet? i have one for school, and don't feel like trying it on it unless i know it'll work as it has to be stable for my school work.
What happens if you have only two tabs open? If you try with 4 or more, does it matter which tab is the third? Move them around and try again. My guess: Javascript on a certain page in that third tab is messing things up.

I think what was happening is the window that safari would switch to was one that was constantly updating. I *think* that's what was going on. The window had inbox.com on it in any event.