Leopard Web Sharing Question.


How can I change the port which Apache operates on? My ISP blocks the default port 80, so nobody can connect to it. But when I go to my DynDNS address on any of my home LAN computers, the page loads perfectly on Macs and PCs alike. Any advice? I guess I'm sorta a newbie when it comes to the nitty gritty of OS X.

My firewall is off, and my ISP is blocking port 80 anyway, I need to change the port which Apache receives incoming requests on.
If I remember correctly, you can edit the file httpd.conf located here:


...and look for the line "Listen 80". Change it to "Listen 8080" (for port 8080) or whatever port you want. Restart the webserver (possibly even restart the computer) and it should work fine. The only caveat is that people from the outside will have to connect to your website via "http://www.mysite.com:8080" instead of just "http://www.mysite.com".
Thanks, I finally got it to work. I changed the port address in both /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and /etc/httpd/httpd.conf (just to be safe) and also the listen IP address to my internal IP then restarted my computer. I then adjusted my DynDNS account to connect to the new port and it works perfectly. Thanks for the help, I hope someone else finds this useful too. Cheers!