
They are *never* going to call a release the "Tasmanian Tiger". Not only is the Tasmanian Tiger a *very* similar name to "Tiger", but Tasmania doesn't exactly improve the image (it'd sell like crap in Australia, let me tell you :P). Not to mention that the Tasmanian Tiger was a marsupial and not even close to related to the cat family (it had stripes. That's where the name came from. It could just as easily have been called the Tassie Zebra).

Personally I think using recognisable animal names is very clever. Not only are they good marketing devices (distinctive fur, like the Jaguar and Tiger can be exploited), they're easy to remember and distinguish between, and they're all of the same family (like OS X is a family of many revisions). OS X is the big cat family, each revision is an element of that family.

It's good. I figure after the big cats, we'll get predatory birds (Falcon, Eagle, Hawk, etc). I just wonder how long it would take before we got clever mockups of longhorn cattle with bird's feathers in its mouth? (I know, I know, Longhorn is a mountain, like Whistler was)
Or they could go with apes:

Mac OS X Chimpanzee
Mac OS X Orangutan
Mac OS X Gibbon
Mac OS X Gorilla
Mac OS X Bigfoot
Mac OS X Steve Ballmer :P
Hehe... ;)

Well, it's clear where Apple's coming from with the cat names, though. Carbon, Darwin... Evolution was clearly a theme in the early days of Mac OS X. I guess the shift to intel would make for a good case for changing the code names, too. But Leopard has already been set now...

I clearly liked the musical names better (Harmony 7.6, Copland -, Tempo 8.0, what was 8.5, Sonata 9.0, Gershwin -)... The "-" ones were codenames that were never finished. Copland was to be System 8, Gershwin System 9.

I think _if_ Apple would want to keep with animals but go away from the big cats, it should be something elegant. More elegant than apes or dogs. Maybe birds would suit them. Or sharks. Or cars. ;) (Well, THAT would put some oil in the fire of these discussions...) :P
Or they could go with big names from Star Wars!

Mac OS XI "Chewbacca" 11.0
Mac OS XI "Han Solo" 11.1
Mac OS XI "Luke Skywalker" 11.2
Mac OS XI "Leia" 11.3
Mac OS XI "Anakin" 11.4
Mac OS XI "Obi Wan" 11.5
Mac OS XI "R2D2/C3PO" 11.6
Mac OS XI "Palpatine" 11.7
Mac OS XI "Amidala" 11.8
Mac OS XI "Master Yoda" 11.9

And then on to Mac OS XII...

Lycander said:
Isn't Cougar a bit redundant? It's kinda the same cat as "mountain lion" and Puma.

True - but keep in mind that Puma, Panther and Cougar are the same animal only different names. Since we've already had both Puma and Panther.... you get the picture.
Yeah I'm not digging the whole Apple calling the new OS's by the cat name thing either. Just about all the good ones are gone, so I'm gonna go with Fryke and call it 10.5
Let's think about this very carefully and dissect it (the names, not the cats). Jaguar, panther, tiger, leopard, . . . How about Angry Kitty or Hello Kitty? Seriously. Or domestic shorthair. Or Morris. I think there are more than enough exciting names to get us all the way to XI.

That's the real kicker: What is Apple going to do after 10.9? They can't go calling it OS 11. OS X version 11 might work, though it's clunky.

Let's just get rid of the numbers altogether and . . . do dog names !!!

Wolf, husky, dane, chihuahua

By the way, what's a bobcat? Is there an equivalent to that one. Because that sounds kind of cool. Except the company that makes Bobcats will probably sue.

They can call it 10.10 and 10.11, basically, but that'd only add to the strangeness of Apple's numbering scheme with Mac OS "Eks"/"10". But I guess they'll come up with something entirely new by then, anyway. I mean: 10.5 (end of 2006), 10.6 (mid 2008), 10.7 (end 2009), 10.8 (mid 2011), 10.9 (end 2012). The problem is only a problem in 2013 and up. I'm sure that by then technology has advanced a bit and Steve Jobs might want to tell us that Mac OS X is a thing of the past and that Mac OS Extreme is the next big thing. :)
"Back to you, Bob..."
"Thanks, Rashanda. In other news, the *entire* Apple computing community was halted today while pundits reviewed the operating system's naming convention ad nauseum."


None of it matters. Running apples on Intel will cause the known free world to end, cancer to run rampant in lab donkeys and all computers everywhere to start running DOS 4.01, even the one remaining PDP7 that still runs. Oh, and the hole in the ozone layer will open up and vent Nevada to the great beyond. Don King will be there, in Vegas, and as Nevada flies away his hair will poof out further and destroy the moon, thus causing global tides to run amok and destroy the planet, ending all life (except cockroaches) and the entire human legacy will be known... galactically... and the "Jobs Intel Thing in Sector 17a1".

*insert rolling eyes icon here*

why does everything new have to be ***EXTREME***? (to apple, not to fryke)

MacOS CS (adobe couldn't manage when they got to eleven)
fryke said:
They can call it 10.10 and 10.11, basically, but that'd only add to the strangeness of Apple's numbering scheme with Mac OS "Eks"/"10". But I guess they'll come up with something entirely new by then, anyway. I mean: 10.5 (end of 2006), 10.6 (mid 2008), 10.7 (end 2009), 10.8 (mid 2011), 10.9 (end 2012). The problem is only a problem in 2013 and up. I'm sure that by then technology has advanced a bit and Steve Jobs might want to tell us that Mac OS X is a thing of the past and that Mac OS Extreme is the next big thing. :)

Well... Mac OS XI looks strange and less likely...

How about

Mac OS Babylon
Mac System 11
Mac OS Future
Mac OS DD (DD = Digital Decade)

Or they do it like they did with the game Final Fantasy:

Mac OS X-2
Either way: There's enough time for Apple to find both code names and names for what comes after 10. I just hope what they come up with won't suck.