Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

hehe, really nice pic, quicksan! So, your avatar is you as well? Your son looks really cute.
However, after checking your birthday I realized that you are a young dad (at least for german standards). To be honest: you are pushing me really bad. ;)
So, what is your son looking at? Your alubook?
Zammy-Sam said:
Iraq? Hi neighbor! ;) I am originally from iran. I might be wrong, but I think you haven't yet posted a pic of yours. If so, what are you waiting for? ;)

Iran? Wow, I didn't realise that!
I haven't posted a pic yet, I'll post one when I have time. I had a barium X ray this morning and the stuff's making me feel sick.
Zammy-Sam said:
Convert, I am happy I was able to help you out together with Eldiablo, Fryke and bobw. I am living in Saarbrücken - close to the border of france. The next big cities are Köln, Stuttgart and Mannheim, if these are familiar to you. So, where are you from?
MBHockey, looks like we should advertise with your and some others pics to make this forum more attractive to girls. ;)

Zammy-Sam said:
hehe, really nice pic, quicksan! So, your avatar is you as well? Your son looks really cute.
However, after checking your birthday I realized that you are a young dad (at least for german standards). To be honest: you are pushing me really bad. ;)
So, what is your son looking at? Your alubook?

yup, avatar is me too. (wasn't thinking about that when i posted)
thanks - he's a little lady killer for sure. ;)
i guess I'm youngish to be a dad - my other son is going to be 3 in january. :) but I'm glad I didn't wait. They've got me out of energy already - can't imagine if I'd waited till I was older to have kids. they'd be killing me! lol
(sorry, not sure what you mean by "you are pushing me really bad."...?)

think my son was watching his 'big' brother fishing actually.
Hey Quiksan, if you're thinking of having more children, perhaps, this may interest you.

Oh, and this, and this, and this, may interest you too. I hope you get what I mean on the last 3 links ;)
quiksan said:
yup, avatar is me too. (wasn't thinking about that when i posted)
thanks - he's a little lady killer for sure. ;)
i guess I'm youngish to be a dad - my other son is going to be 3 in january. :) but I'm glad I didn't wait. They've got me out of energy already - can't imagine if I'd waited till I was older to have kids. they'd be killing me! lol
(sorry, not sure what you mean by "you are pushing me really bad."...?)

think my son was watching his 'big' brother fishing actually.

Maybe he means you're making him look very old? 2 children (I am guessing so), and you're a young dad, and maybe this is a big difference to Zammy. So maybe, just maybe, you are making him look bad? I don't know, it's an interesting thought ot dive into, but, it's Zammy's personal life, and I shall endavour no more! I mean, he's a cool guy, I'd like to, well, I'm sure his life is interesting, it'd be cool to know what's Germany's like, but....um....oh **** it I'm digging a hole LOL.
thanks Convert

I actually put my pb on my chest when I'm laying in bed. so no worries there...

your meaning with the mini's being I'd have to buy more, or they'd be buying for me (on fathers'd day etc)? Either way it's cool - i'm all about too much tech gear, so the more the merrier around my house. :)
Nah, you buy for them of course ;).

Although, 3 mini ipods for Fathers day wouldn't be too bad! When I have kids (if) I'm going to learn how to permantly change their mac wallpapers to "Buy this (image of an ipod 240GB colour edition, probably) for dad". Poifect.
Convert, the very close origin of you and me is getting obvious. You got the point of "pushing me really bad". ;) And sorry quiksan for not being precise enough. I am one year older than you and yet not even married. Seeing you as a happy father with at least one great looking son makes me envious and "pushes" me to already take the big step.
However, the fact I am not married yet shows how boring my life must be. No woman wants to share it with me.. :)
It's really fun to see the face behind the nick and the avatar. A pity we started this thread so early. Maybe if we had a "guess how the person looks like" thread before, things would have been really funny and interesting.
But let me express my current emotions: it's a pleasure to be around such nice ppl! And that's actually the most interesting part of my life (beside the wonderful moments with my girlfriend [she might be reading this ;)]). If someone now thinks this must be poor, he/she/it doesn't know our forum yet..
i'll make this my last post (as far asOT goes...) in this thread, but:

gotcha Zammy.
Well, life certainly gets less boring when kids arrive. little time for yourself is the result most often. but that's fine. it's fun, albeit a challenge.
I almost miss 'boring' when there's 2 little boys and a dog making as much noise as they can... ;)
But agreed - it's fun to see all the people you're 'talking' to on a daily basis. funny how you read so much into an avatar as you make a mental image of the people you're seeing in daily posts
course with mine, i guess i just look like a confused idiot. ok, so it's not that far off...
I went to a friend's christening last sunday (wearing a suit....LOL) and I met her cousin, he was only 2. He was great, we got on so well, I looked after him all day. The cutest (yet scariest) part of the day was how he started calling me "mummy"...when I explained how I didn't have the features to be his mummy, he said "mummy 2". I am happy.

Oh and guys, ya can call me Mo if ya want (short for Mohammed :eek: ).

I remember someone said when I first came here, I'd be one of those who asked a question, got their mac, and never came back. But here I am, still. :D

Anyhow, some images. I am sorry, but I must include Hannah my guitar. I named her after a best friend who passed away, and I feel comfortable with her. So on goes the slide show.


  • Me and Hannah  on balc.jpg
    Me and Hannah on balc.jpg
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  • Me and hannah home.JPG
    Me and hannah home.JPG
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    Me and Hannah on balc 2.jpg
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  • Me and Hannah Spain.jpg
    Me and Hannah Spain.jpg
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  • Me and Hannah.jpg
    Me and Hannah.jpg
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Nice to see the face behind convert. I hope this won't be offending for you (or to any fans), but you sorta remind me to Lenny Kravitz. How well are you with the guitar and where is that wonderful location infront of your balcony?
However, calling your guitar after a passed friend and keep him present is a very nice deed. It would be like talking to your friend any time you play on the guitar..
Zammy-Sam said:
Nice to see the face behind convert. I hope this won't be offending for you (or to any fans), but you sorta remind me to Lenny Kravitz. How well are you with the guitar and where is that wonderful location infront of your balcony?
However, calling your guitar after a passed friend and keep him present is a very nice deed. It would be like talking to your friend any time you play on the guitar..

Hey I don't mind reminding ya of Kravitz. I've been playing 9 months, teaching myself, only recently started learning chords (other than power chords). My main influence at first was Nirvana, so my songs were a bit...meh...angry. But most of my songs (about 20 out of 28) are acoustic, the ones I like. I guess I am just an acoustic player. I have been invited to two bands, dunno what I'll do.

That location is Spain. Almeria in fact. I took my guitar (I am kinda sad, I know). When/If I move to germany, the air services had better have god loading policies. I put my guitar in the Fragile Luggage conveyer belt. When I got to spain the hard case had a huge dent. When I got back it was even worse. I intend to move to Germany when I learn the language. I know little, my favourite phrase is "Ich bin ein(e?) flascher!" (Yay, I'm a bottle!).

And it's nice to know that someone understands my naming of the guitar. She was a very cool person indeed. It is like talking to her.
Refresh, indeed! I'll have to put up some more recent pictures of myself... I took one this morning before i went to work.

The tough look was me posing for someone... I'm friendly, really. :)
I'll try to get a friendlier pic soon. :p
Hehe, you really should! I can't imagine a smile on that face.. :)
Let me guess why you went for the 12'' alubook: you can throw it and chop off ppls heads. For that purpose it's light, tiny and stable so you can open the lid and listen to Alanis.. :D
Kidding! Keep on adding pics.
Arden said:
I'll have to put up some more recent pictures of myself... I took one this morning before i went to work.

Is it pretty typical of you to take a picture of yourself before work Arden? :)

I mean, I understand checking yourself in the mirror ("wow, I look good!") before leaving, but a picture? lol
Eep, about that time of the year again. Picture is about 2 years old now I think. I'm the one on the right. Girl on the left is a friend of mine, awesome girl!

Erm, if I remember correctly this was taken after I had finished working on a fridaynight, it turns hazy after that picture so don't bother that I look wrecked :P (I work fridays and sometimes saturdays as a bartender)

Hey now!
Old pictures with cute girls DO NOT COUNT!!! Cuz I'm sure I could dig up a few of those. heh :D
Oh wait, this is not a competition - is it? heh :p