Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

Blah blah blah...

This is my pic - its a pretty dodgey pic cause its blury and small, but yer u get the overall picture that that is me i guess. That was taken out exploring Kings Kanyon resort in the northern terroritory Australia (near ayres rock - Uluru). Im so happy that my white etnies didnt get hardly any red sand on them and they're still white !!! Also u can only see abit of my sister in that photo and my mum on the left hand side (only her arm) its a pretty shit photo really.

Yup thats smithy :)


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lol ahahhaha so the thread goes dead after i post my pic.... did all of you just get terrified of my pic ??? lol just joking :p
Here is one from earlier in the month. I took a flight in a vintage Tiger Moth biplane. Fun stuff. The shot is taken by me, holding my camera in front of the cockpit window during a loop-de-loop. :eek:


FYI, the link goes to a close-up. The thumbnail was just after landing.
Time to drop some new pics as well:
1. my fiancee and me
2. me and our little devil in the shopping bags.


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Thanks Rand. We are planing to marry in april. But till that time we need to collect many many documents and certifications. It's insane what they want us to file for getting married.
Yeah, she has this tick to start talking at the same moment the pic is been shot. ;)
The cat is actually 3 months old and already has 2.5kg. :eek:
Hey, my sister got a dwarf rabbit that weighs 1.5kgs now. They're supposed to be 1 kilos. What she doesn't know is that I've got secret plans to Rabbitnap the animal and make a nice stew out of it.
that's my new horse, 5 years old... it's simply lovely, and it comes from Germany...


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Now I started something in here, huh? Ok, we still like to see ppls faces. ;)
Tetano, you have a really beautiful horse there!
Let's see if the owner looks as good as the horse. :)
not sure... here is the photo! also your cat is beautiful, and probably is bigger than mine who is two years old...


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Nice pic, Brian. That looks like a lake, where is it? (Well, it does if you ignore the horizon...)
Well, here's me. I'm the short one with very little hair... wait, no that doesn't quite narrow it down enough... hmm...

Hehe, I love activities in this thread.
Esquilinho, make sure the file is not bigger than 100kb and the mentioned formats.
chornbe, I authorize myself to the assessment judge of this thread and declare your picture as the most sympathic. :)
Keep posting!