Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

Hey, you guys look good together! There's definite similarity in both your smiles and facial structures.
Time for some newer pics for also bunping the thread up a bit .. ;)

The other .5 ...

And me in the site shirt
A pic of me my friend took when messing with me new camera.


  • ora.jpg
    56.4 KB · Views: 14
Just got my iMac 24" with iSight and PhotoBooth...


  • mypicture.jpg
    94.3 KB · Views: 19
You don't look so happy chevy, i thought the new iMac might have made you smile!

Fr some reason i still thought of you as David Carradine like from your old Kill Bill avatar :P
It's just 36 hours of work, installing OS-X, transfering from the G4, installing Windows, installing the GAMES (that's why we all have Windows, isn't it ?)... after some travel for work.

And the iSight is placed too high for any regular picture.
Fair enough, I look the same about now myself, as am post one set of travel and just pre another when all I want to do is sleep.

And yes, I will be installing Windows on my next mac mostly for games :). Oddly, That and outlook.
I like this filter as is shows the global image by removing the details (when drawing by hand, I also use a lot of similar technics).

But other filter are indeed the horror house... very good for a little fun with friends.
Much happier! :)

(My work are MS tied and use the whole exchange server/outlook thing for tasks/mails/calendar etc etc so I'm a bit tied to it, and the non IE PC web interface sucks (no search function etc).
I've resisted revealing myself for a good long while, but here's the good Lieutenant...


  • IMG_2678.jpg
    45.3 KB · Views: 28
Washed dreads! heresy! I take it at least no soap.

Good to see the face behind the posts though!
yeah that was an old photo. i've stopped washing them unless i have to now, not out of respect or deeper thought or something spritual, but because i;ve found they smell less when i've not washed them for a while.