Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

Originally posted by jbartlett
Scott, yes. I believe I read in the parent contract thingee that all parents get a free TiPB. Check the fine print(:

As for number of users male vs. female, I can vouch for my office. We're 100% Mac at the office (85% female), and the majority use Macs when they go home. The exception is about 10 women who use peecees at home because their husbands have them. In the general population, I've found that the percentage of women using Macs is slightly (very slightly) higher than the percentage of women that use peecees, however, both are teeny tiny percentages when compared to men (we're talking real users, not just the email, christmas card list types). I attribute the slightly higher than peecee thing to the fact that mac's always been the artist/designer's tool of choice, and that field is skewed slightly towards women.

Plus, it's not at all being a girl geek. Sure, you meet a lot of guys, usually pretty smart guys, but the workplace is still a tough nut to crack. I frequently get the "oh, isn't that cute! the girl's gonna set up our network! okay, honey, where are the guys that will really be doing the work?"

It gets old, and a lot of my fellow(?) females have dropped out of the game.


I know what you mean... I've actually been a culprit of this myself, ina way. The network administrators at my school (also known by me as the three guys who say that Macs are useless and they won't let me connect an iBook to the network if I buy one), are all guys, but then when my sister started at her school, all their NA are female. At first I thought this was strange, but then I realised that there was no reason why women shouldn't use computers like that (Note: her school also thinks that Toshiba make better laptops than Apple!)

Anyway, a picture of me! I shall scare you! And yes, I actually AM 15 years old, even though I don't look it!


  • tom freeman on bus.jpg
    tom freeman on bus.jpg
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Admin, as my first post here ever.... I just wanted to tell you about your cat.
Now, I'm not sure if this is true in animals as it is in humans, but I read a recent health article about how eye doctors can detect optical cancer by looking at pictures of people where they have red eyes.... if one of the eyes is not red (as in your cat's case) it is most likely that they have optical cancer. I'm hoping that isn't the case, but I wanted to let you know just to be safe. My dog was recently killed and it was very hard on me, so I was just trying to be helpful to you. (Hope this post doesn't sound offensive cuz it isn't meant to be)
Anyway, as soon as I get my dog Gretchen's pic scanned I will post it here....
Meanwhile, here I am. :)


  • debra14.jpg
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Hey, what web cam is that? and....why are you sucking your thumb?
Does the cam work with OSX?
Hey..also please next time,.... comb your hair..haha (teassing you):)
Hi Deb,

Glad to see that we are getting more female members (my wife thinks this place is a boy's club :rolleyes: ). Anyway, welcome!
Hi RacerX nice to meet you. :) Now maybe your wife will post on here with you....I am quite the post addict. :D
hey... where in ohio are you from? i'm all the way on the East near the WV border in a town called St. Clairsville.

plus can you show more photos of yourself? :D

and don't forget to check out the Herve's Bar & Grill topic in this same forum area....
I just moved here from Oregon about 7 months ago.... oh yea.. Sandusky the town where Cedar Pt. is located. :)
More pics??? What are you doing, building a better mouse trap? ;)
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
hey... where in ohio are you from? i'm all the way on the East near the WV border in a town called St. Clairsville.

plus can you show more photos of yourself? :D

and don't forget to check out the Herve's Bar & Grill topic in this same forum area....

My roommate is from Rayland...I didn't think anybody else from that area had a computer, let alone an internet connection ;)
Directly north of Martins Ferry...right off of route 7...surprised you haven't heard of it. It's part of YTR (yorksville, tiltonsville, rayland)...

He says he's about a 20 min drive away from you using county roads...
i was just wondering since it sounded familiar but wasn't sure...

i've only been to Martins Ferry once....

and the weird part about all this, i BARELY know the towns around here... even though i've been around for almost 3 years
more of me. i'm the one in the middle. katie on the left, laurie on the right. yes i'm wearing eyeliner. it was right before we went to the Dracula's Ball, a goth-type-event-type-thingie in Philly. yahoo


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