Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

put your clothes on sloane and show us the real you. (clothes are only optional at herve's bar & grill:p )

so, did you win?

and what city are you in?
I'm in Melbourne Ed - a long way away from herve's bar & grill, and ummm..... hit me with the good news: what was I supposed to have won?:p
the pic is from a race isn't it? like the one we have every year in San Francisco called 'Bay to Breakers' where everybody races naked from one side of town to the other.

so another mate from down under. welcome aboard. I just helped send one of your country women back home recently. We will miss her.

(actually you are just a few threads away from Herve's Bar & Grill. of course it would take a while to read the whole thing so feeel free to join right in anytime and catchup later;) )
Ahhh, now I understand. I know I didn't win it, because you have to be in it to even have a chance of winning. (youve caught me out, shit). You did the right thing too Ed by helping to send one of my country women back home, because we don't really want to loose any of them at all. As you say: I will catch up, and BTW - thanks mate for the welcome!

ave a g'day Ed.:)
Hmmm... is nude sprinting a sport down yonder ? :p

True to the Greek tradition ;-) -- but including women... hehehe.

No Admiral (Hello), it's not a sport that I know of down here. Ed recons the picture is from San Francisco. I just seen it and grabbed it for a bit of fun on this board, but if you were in that run you would have to be doing a lot of bumping into the women wouldn't you!

    Me too Me too!

    (All of you lucky bastards moaning about how your pics reveal you to be middle aged and you don't like it. I've been dead for several hundred years)

Bernie :o)


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Also, has everybody else noticed that, taking this board to be a representitive sample, Female Mac users seem to be significantly more attractive than the average?

Alas, I don't live in CANADA, but rarely have I more desired to

Bernie :o)
indeed, it's me, standing in front of a car i saw in the parking lot of my place of work last summer. This guy was actually serious, and was intent on finding a wife using this method.

beats me...


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unlearnedtruth -- petite wife wanted ? :p That must be the most ... imaginative...way to find a wife :p

bighairydog...how did you do that ? :p what programs ? I wanna do that too...it should scare the heck outta people I know :p
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
unlearnedtruth -- petite wife wanted ? :p That must be the most ... imaginative...way to find a wife :p

tell me about it... he was a pretty shady character too. around 40 years old i'd say, missing teeth, you name it. He was one of the test engineers at the facility.

But hey, i guess we all have to have goals.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
bighairydog...how did you do that ? :p what programs ? I wanna do that too...it should scare the heck outta people I know :p
Originally posted by BlingBling3k12


All done in photoshop 6. The eyes are distorted with Liquify command, then the irises painted with an airbrush. The teeth are also drawn out with liquify. The dead look (pale greyish face) is got with an airbrush and playing with blending modes

Bernie :o)
Originally posted by bighairydog
    Me too Me too!

    (All of you lucky bastards moaning about how your pics reveal you to be middle aged and you don't like it. I've been dead for several hundred years)

Bernie :o)

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This has been downloaded 29 time(s).

Myyyyyy Prrreeeeeechious...