Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

The little one is my youngest (of 5), Sarah. She's a precocious 3 1/2 now and cute as hell! I think we'll keep her. Maybe. Yeah, I guess so.
Alright....here you go...shield your eyes if you must!
EDIT: I'm climbing the wall, thats my friend eric below me!


  • meclimbsmall.jpg
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Nice pictures!
Esquilinho, I think you are only the 4th female who posted a pic in this thread. ;)
chornbe, you THINK you will keep her?? Explain!
well I guess it's my turn :p

picture taken in a castle during a Fancy Dress party :cool:

and for Zammy-Sam.... : my cool cat


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Zammy-Sam said:
chornbe, you THINK you will keep her?? Explain!

It's a running gag in our house. All the kids are cute. Cute enough that they draw compliments. We just tend to look at the kids with a look of dispassionate acceptance and say something about "well, yeah, not bad looking. We won't throw it back just yet" or something to that effect.

Some people take it as the joke it is. Some people get really squirrelly about it. Ya just never know what's gonna be said when I'm around :)

don't think its crazy looks cool to me and an Apple fan too :) What's it's name ? mine's Nevis (didn't choose it though)

One suggestion : looks like we should start a new thread : Let see if real pet looks better than your face :rolleyes:
Hey Zammy..or anyone interested...

Since we are posting pictures of our cats (or other animals), why not startup a Pets Pics thread? :p I would, but since I am at work, I don't have a recent picture of our cat here. :p


Duh...I should read before I post. :p
Gig' said:
One suggestion : looks like we should start a new thread : Let see if real pet looks better than your face :rolleyes:

héhéhéhé!! Good idea! :P

This one is Loki (after the norse god of mischief) - he really is a trickster!

I had another one, called Espinosa, but he died 2 months ago... :(
Seems like the idea of posting a pet thread didn't materialise on the other hand not too many faces showed up since.

Let's see if this thread is only on pause for easter holiday ?
With my wife @ a local music festival called CARIBANA


  • JD20050610_0329.jpg
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Wow, a very beautiful couple, if I may add. What's the local language in Nyon?
This is a picture from me and my wife.
Hi Zammy

local language is french or "romand" to be more specific, romandie being the french part of schweiz but I'm italian and my wife is Swiss but with Thaï origin as you might have guessed :)

and would like to return the compliment you two look like a very charming couple ::angel::