Let's speak Babelfish! Come on, just this once!

LOL, I don't know what the hell happened to this one. :)


I rain and dew now anyone it hangs the fact that it translate but it will be able to think, am like that I am seven things which other it will only cut randomly.

No one is ever going to be able to guess this one, so I'll just say what it is:

I can't think of anything to translate right now, so I'll just type randomly.

What the hell?! :D

This is understandable, but it still translated it pretty strangely: English--->French-->German-->English

A very odd language is Korean, and it seems to keep more wierder while it translated added over Internet additional words, which become spaces taken away, and generally the meaning of your records completely destroyed.

Okay, this is expected to be strange, but still. :D

English-->Chinese-->Back to English-->French-->German-->Back to English:

This lighting is an enormous manner receives much fattenings.

:confused: :rolleyes: :D

Originally posted by ABassCube
LOL, I don't know what the hell happened to this one. :)


I rain and dew now anyone it hangs the fact that it translate but it will be able to think, am like that I am seven things which other it will only cut randomly.

No one is ever going to be able to guess this one, so I'll just say what it is:

I can't think of anything to translate right now, so I'll just type randomly.

What the hell?! :D


It's because of the grammar in Korean being completely different and babelfish isn't very good at grammar yet.

English: Bob went to the store.
In English but Korean grammar: The store, Bob went to.
Originally posted by devonferns

It's because of the grammar in Korean being completely different and babelfish isn't very good at grammar yet.

English: Bob went to the store.
In English but Korean grammar: The store, Bob went to.

Yeah, I know, but it's still pretty funny. :)
Here's another one:


I cannot wait to MaC$world New York! The fact that the new G4 tower where I obtain there where the which new computer comes is decided is done!

Can anyone figure this one out? I'll be impressed if someone can. The first part's pretty easy, but the second part gets a little strange. :D
Originally posted by ABassCube
Here's another one:


I cannot wait to MaC$world New York! The fact that the new G4 tower where I obtain there where the which new computer comes is decided is done!

Can anyone figure this one out? I'll be impressed if someone can. The first part's pretty easy, but the second part gets a little strange. :D

How about:

I cannot wait until MacWorld New York! The reason being, this is where I'll be getting my new G4 tower after the new models are announced!
Very close, devonferns. I doubt anyone will come closer, so I'll just say it. Hmmm, uh, actually, I can't remember what the original text was, but it's something like "I can't wait till MacWorld Expo. Whichever new computers are released there will determine which new G4 tower I get", but that wasn't it exactly. Actually, it wasn't exactly fair, because the original accidentally had really bad grammar too, LOL.


In A.D. 2101 war began. Captain: What happen? Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb operator: We receive signal captain: Which! Operator: Main screen put on captain: It is them!! Cats: How it gentlemen! are! Cats: Their whole lower surface are belong to us cats: They are on the way to the destruction captain: Which it! say! Cats: They do not have probability to survive to form your time cats: HECTAR HECTAR HECTAR HECTAR...., Captain: Remove for everyone ' zig ' captain: They know, what them captain doing: Shift ' zig ' captain: For large justice

This one shouldn't be to hard...
English->German->French->English->Japanese->... uh, I forget the rest. There were a lot. :)

I go out and in OSCAR von Mayer the weiner i am more and and, the necessity to which become ten thousand in fact i have.

I wish I was an oscar meyer weiner
No, you don't understand at all. I'm BlueFusion, aka David-Michael Cook, the insane frighteningly bizzare psychotic wierdo who will not ever let a forum post die without a last cryptic message to his motley group of followers!

Here goes. If this forum has to die, let it be with these words of wisdom, which bear absolutely no resemblence to the original, which involved running over a bear with a tractor.

Through every language:

The end to inside leave to this cubical main body of the argument of this tribune unexpected of the time gruel of the pain of the order of the woman. When become, us we like this in the Distrugg, attention of the height full in all the production them periods of training recently it period of training. You are warning to the this len the ratio and the ci of anh when dropper that she does not die to regulate, because we with the thing for crederli we together in the side of the error and and they do not want the pretense.

This doesn't mean we HAVE to stop posting, people :) just that now we can if we want to :P