linksys wireless access point


Has anybody configured a linksys WAP? I got it working, but can't access via the web interface. When I try it just hangs. Since I don't have a pc, I couldn't run the setup wizard, so I'm running the WAP essentially unconfigured (it works fine, btw). But I would like to tinker a bit with some of its settings.
I look at the ip address it has assigned me and subtract one to derive its IP address. That gets me to a sign in page. The documentation says that the user id is null and the password is admin, but it won't take. Any ideas?
Did you try a username of "admin" with a blank password?

I've configured several routers -- some DLink, some Linksys, some generic, and most all of them had "admin" as the default user, and a blank default password.

Also, many of them used "" as their default IP address, but handed out IPs in the range of -
With mine, I have to use IE in order for it to work. The AP has some asp scripts, and I know they should work with everything, they dont.
Links web interface is usually;

Default name and password;

name - admin
password - password