linux on vpc, mac, etc.

Linux requires a minimum of two (maybe three?) partitions in order to run. It required a boot partition, a home partition, and maybe some others. You need to partition your hard drive into one OS X partition, and one UNFORMATTED (free space) partition. To do this with Disk Utility, select the disk (not the volume) that you want to partition, and select "Two partitions" from the drop-down menu in the "Partition" tab. Choose "Mac OS X Extended (Journaled)" for one partition (for OS X), and "Free space" for the other partition.

Then, boot back up from the Linux CD, and choose the auto-partition method for the free space partition. The boot partition should be relatively small, while the user or home partition and other partitions should be a lot larger, since those partitions are where Linux actually installs to.

That "free space" partition may or may not need to be the first partition on the drive -- check the install instructions online (I don't believe it has to be, but I could be wrong). That should get you up and running with a dual-boot OS X/Linux install!
Okay I partitioned again making the linux one "free space" and I now have several more problems. First thing, the font Comic Sans is no longer in OS X after clean installing it. I did do a custom install, but what could I have taken off that would have that font in it? Also, I installed yellow dog and afterwards it asked for the video card. It had a generic one set automatically, and the nvidia geforce 4 mx was not on the list ( the geforce 2 mx was) So i left it at generic and put it to 64 mb vram (auto set to 16) then it asked for my monitor and I put on the apple 17" iMac display which was in the list, although it wasn't the automatically selected one. I clicked finish and a screen came up and it said reboot and it restarted, I pressed 1 to boot into linux and it appeared to work. It then came to a stop saying the X Graphic System or something couldn't start and then it asked if I wasnted to configure it and it asked for the root password ( which I knew) but when I put it in it said incorrect password. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, I reinstalled linux three times trying different settings (such as leaving it at 16 mb vram) and still no luck. Anyone know how to set it up for a 1 ghz 17" iMac with nvidia geforce 4 mx? Also, the fact that my favorite font, comic sans, has now just disappeared. Any help? :(
1) I think the comic sans comes with Office. That's my guess, seeing as its called Comic Sans MS.

2) For the video card, I've got no idea, being rather new to Linux on Macs. Without further details of the error message the X gives, I can only speculate. You could try using it with the Vesa driver, instead of the generic nVidia driver. The make of the nvidia card doesn't matter (Geforce, TNT, whatever) since it all uses the same driver on Linux. I'm guessing this isn't the problem.

Tell us more about the error you're getting and we'll try to help out.
For the video, you can try and download the drivers from NVIDIA and hope that it will build a driver for the kernel you are running. Before NVIDIA had the drivers for the 2.6 kernel, I had to download the 2.4 version and have it build one for 2.6, which it did successfully....only thing is that this was on an Athlon XP system. It's possible that it could build one for PPC, but the only way to know is to try. It's all console-menu based and it builds it on its own, so you don't have to worry about compiling anything manually. The only thing you would have to do manually after the fact is to enter the driver name into your XF86Config file located in /etc/X11.

Has anyone been able to build NVIDIA graphics drivers for PPC successfully? Let us know...
okay I got it working, for some reason it wouldn't run the graphical installer and what happened was in the text mode I was entering the user information I had put at post-install when I had to put root and the root password. The graphical start-up works now and I've been playing around with it for a while. I can't get my DSL working, I know under network theres the one prog for ethernet setup but my dsl connects using PPPoE. What program do I use/ download to be able to set up a PPPoE dsl connection? Linux is very interesting and it seems a lot more stable then windows, but I think it'd be hard for the computer illeterate. Of course, there could be better distros. I guess it can only get better over time.......
The nVidia drivers are for x86 only. They don't work on other archtectures, which is very annoying. I suggest you *don't* try installing it (others have) as it messes with the kernel. Fixing a broken kernel and recompiling your own is something you really don't want to try for now.

Back when I had $$$ for DSL, my model had an ethernet connection. What I did was to connect to it via ethernet and set up my Linux box to use DHCP. It seemed to work.
the PPPoE app should work fine, but now I have another question :confused: . I downloaded it and some other linux applications and put them on a disc, I found the disc easily enough, but the files are all rpm packaged files. rpm's main site ( talks about the packager program but they dont have it for download, but they suggest getting red hat. Since yellowdog is based on red hat linux 8, shouldn't it be in there somewhere. I searched rpm with Kfind and it didn't come up with anything besides the rpm files I had put on the desktop. When u try to open them it asks what program to open it with, but I am clueless as to what that would be. So I guess my question is how do you open rpm files in yellowdog? Oh also, I did a personal desktop install not workstation, is it possible it isn't included in the personal install? sorry for being such a pain guys......... :)
Viro said:
The nVidia drivers are for x86 only. They don't work on other archtectures, which is very annoying. I suggest you *don't* try installing it (others have) as it messes with the kernel. Fixing a broken kernel and recompiling your own is something you really don't want to try for now.

This is good to know...thanks Viro. ::angel::
Yellowdog is based on RH9. RH9 seems to have removed support for graphically installing RPMs via a program called KPackage. The way you should install RPMs now is to do it via the terminal. The command you need is

rpm -Uvh filename.rpm

You can't just use any RedHat RPM as RedHat is an x86 distro and Yellowdog is a PPC distro. You'll need to find Yellowdog specific RPMs. A good place to start would be