Okay . . . bear with me. I am waiting until the reviews are positive--the "fixes" are sent as bugs arise--and, most importantly my Critical [Porn.--Ed.] Applications are Lion compatible. Awesome. As I advise to EVERYONE who comes HERE streaming tears and . . . not tears . . . "back up your HD" I will, of course, do that.
However, every so often the need arises to boot on your Installation Disk/Snow Leopard Disk to run Disk Utilities and the like. I can make up reasons to do that, but I concede it rarely is necessary assuming you cloned your drive like a good 'un.
So . . . do you still have to boot from your Installation Disk/Snow Leopard Disk . . . clean up your mess, reinstall then redownload Lion? I am assuming DICKSTER is trying to avoid that by having a downloaded copy Lion he can just then use--or even boot from. Sorry if that appears an inane question; I have not downloaded Lion yet so I do not know "what" it is--a dmg, an update, magical piXies, et cetera.