Jeff Schewe - 08:51pm Mar 6, 2001 Pacific (#13 of 14)
There's several reasons that Photoshop on OS X isn't a good story-despite what some pundants may be saying.
The kernal for OS X is Mach 4.5, basically Unix. Unix has a hard time with complext file formats that have many different components-like Photoshop files. So, without fault to Photoshop, PSD files may be slower opening and saving-unless Apple does something to help.
Mutli-threaded, pre-emptive multi-tasking? Great, so, unlike the Mac where you can lock in resources, OS X system will be able to preempt Photoshop. This is not exactly a good thing for Photoshop. Running multiple apps and stealing processor clicks for some other process or app will slow Photoshop down.
Want more bad news? As far as I know, in order for an application to be Carbon, it must be 100% completely Carbon. . .including ALL EXTENSIONS AND PLUG-INS. Otherwise, the Carbon apps will launch in Classic. So, do you have a lot of Photoshop plug-ins? While Adobe can surely Carbonize their plug-ins quickly, how long do you figure printer, camera and 3rd party plug-in developers will take to Carbonize? Also, some shareware or freeware plug-ins may NEVER be Carbonized. Some companies aren't even around anymore. Also, running Photoshop in 9.1 within OS X isn't a particularly good performance story. CarbonLib is already having problems and Apple has not been very forthcomming with good solutions for the problems developers have been having-including Adobe (all the apps, not just Photoshop).
Add to that that even Apple isn't shipping hardware with OS X installed till July of this year (at the earliest) and it's a pretty wise person who will be clinging to 9.1 for the foreseeable future.
I've only recently switched from 8.6 to 9.1 because of hardware and HD driver issues. And that's the same basic opperating system-let alone an entirely DIFFERENT OS.
Apple needs to be more accomidating with their app developers-particualry their large developers with complicated and deep apps. Sure. . .it'll be simple to carbonize simple apps for OS X, but big complicated apps like Photoshop, which already has to be written for Mac & Windows (along with 17 regionalized versions) will require pretty extensive efforts. Plus. . .Adobe wants to do it right. . .we all depend on that.
Also, since Chris is basically the "optimizations king" for Photoshop, I would think Chris's opinions would be worth listening to. . .I've never won an arguement with him yet when it deals with hardware or software and how Photoshop works on them. .