did all that. -NO- in the /etc/hostconfig file at the NISDOMAIN key. No entries for an YPAgent in NetInfo.
Following the man page, I started up a seperate instance of lookupd with lookupd -d and now interactively see what it's been doing. When I type in hostWithInternetAddress: (my router) it comes back with details on my router gotten from dictionary DNS, but I see also the error message again in the Console log. Basically with every hostWithInternetAddress request I see the message popping up.
Coming from HP-UX, is there something like a configuration file where you define how to resolve addresses (e.g. first DNS, then /etc/hosts/, then NIS)? Maybe that's configured to look in NIS too, although it it weird as I've never configured it like that....
Thanks for the help, any more help appreciated, because I'm stuck...