Log in Problem!


Yep, That's Me!
Oh my god, what have I done? I went to put in a new login panel. I ended up replacing stuff, putting stuff back, and followed the 10.1 directions :mad: Now I cant even log in as anything, including root. panel only shows a loading bar. luckly my user is set up to log in aoutmaticly. Could some one please help me to get past this ding :confused:
Have you tried booting with the CD?? You should be able to change the root password once you've booted from the OS X CD. You can also do a repair on your permissions and check the disk for errors. (This last last one might be overkill, but it doesn't hurt :D.)
bkaron: It looks like you are learning the "always backup" lesson.

As far as your specific problem, I can only guess. There is a program fro OS X and disk repair the does absolute wonders. It's called DiskWarrior. So take this from an old OS cracker, do yourself a favor and get it. That program has saved my bacon over so many OS hacks I lost count.

Plus, the is a shareware program called Pacifist. It will let a user pick apart and installer and grab just one file (like off the Panther install disks-which i have done in the past). you might find that program to get back files you might have destroyed.

Lastly, maybe a re-install of the 10.3.3 Combo update might help. So, good luck.
You know what it is, it's the login.nib file. Because I remember I did back up my files and I put them back. The only thing wrong with the login screen is the size, the text boxes (Which are replaced by a non moving loading bar), and the restart, shutdown etc... butons don't work. Usinng Pacifist I could not locate the SecurityAgentPlugins Folder on any of the 10.3. install CD's. Plus I ran Disc Utility, nothing. So could some one with 10.3 please send me the SecurityAgent.app and the SecurityAgentPlugins folder, located with in the CoreSevices Folder, which is in the System Folder. Remember I have 10.3.3, Thanks :D


EDIT// And I installed OS 10.3.3. Combo Update :p
Damn! even if I had the nessary files, I still couldn't install them, because I cant log in as root! Ahhhh :mad: :mad: The only thing I can think of is (if I had the files) to move them over to OS 9. But that would mean I would have to install it, and my computer has been OS 9 free for a little over a year :eek: oh well :rolleyes:Looks like it's the only thing I can do, but I'm not going to do it untill tomarow after school so please let me know if there is any other way to get root acsess with out installing OS 9

Thanks :(
You mean when I start up I hold comand S, right? Ya Ya, thats where I run fsck -y and reconfigure the battry, but I don't have a clue on how to replace files in that mode. Some detailed directions would be nice :D