Login Disabled.2


I'm sorry I'm posting this again, I think I accidentally closed the previous thread and can't update or edit it. I'm not sure if anyone was able to reply either.

I currently have a G4 Powerbook and a G5 Tower at work. I am the System Administrator and for some reason can no longer connect from my Powerbook to the G5. I get the message that either my username and password are wrong or that Login has been disabled. I can use other Macs and even PC's to connect but for some reason the Powerbook will not connect to it. When I try to connect to the Powerbook from the G5 I get the message that 'This file server uses an incompatible version of the AFP protocol. You cannot connect to it'.

It has even become disabled within Remote Access from the Powerbook and I'm told that the Powerbook is offline when I try connecting to it from the G5 through RD3. When I try to Ping the IP address I am told that Access is Denied but it can be pinged from other machines.

I haven't changed anything within my configuration on either machine so I cannot understand what is going on.
Check System Preferences on the G5.
Sharing > Services > is "Remote login" still enabled?
Do you try connecting to it giving it's current IP or the bonjour address?
Yeah, I tried turning Remote Login off and back on again. I've tried both logging in using IP address and Bonjour address. Now when I try to access the Powerbook from the G5 I get told the Powerbook is using an incompatible version of AFP. I tried deleting the Keychain which has caused other problems but this hasn't helped. My next step is to delete the sharing preferences, then I can only think that a fresh System Install would help although I wouldn't really want to have to do this.
I don't know why I didn't try this before. Its so simple that I feel a little stupid. Our network uses DHCP and the IP addresses are set dynamically. Just becuase it was one of the few things I hadn't tried I reset the IP address manually and would you believe it, it fixed the problem. I have since been round and changed all the Mac IP addresses to a manual configuration.

I think somehow, someone must have reset their IP to be a duplicate of mine or the port had become corrupt if this is possible.