logout at every sleep


i m having a weird problem with OSX lately. everytime i leave the system for a little while, when the machine goes to sleep and the screen goes black, it logs me out. when i return to my computer, the whole screen remains black, except for the password field which shows up as soon as i start typing. the rest of the screen remains black until login is finished, and then the system is normal, and all my apps have quit.

i am not set to enter a password to get out of a screensaver, my energy settings are for the monitor to go to sleep in 5 minutes, and the rest of the system never. i thought maybe the problem might have first showed up when i install SETI
Here is way to solve that: go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Advanced -> unmark "Log out after 60 minutes of inactivity" or change it to whatever you like.
Did you notice when the OP posted here?
I hope the OP has figured out the logouts after 10 years...
The setting "Log out after ... inactivity" did not exist at that time.