lombard panic with Panther CD



Anyone here tried installing Panther on a Lombard Powerbook?

My Powerbook G3 Bronze Keyboard Lombard 333mhz seems to be unable to boot the Panther CD. I insert the CD into the powerbook while running 10.2.8 and usually the installer crashes. Once, however, it did start up and I clicked restart. Then, upon booting from the cd, I got a kernal panic.... or maybe ended up in open firmware. The screen said to type "mac-boot". Trying to boot directly from the cd (holding down c at startup) also produces a kernal panic.

Anyone else seen this? Any work-around?

Does your PowerBook have built-in USB ports? If not, Panther is not compatible with it.

If it does have built-in USB ports, try removing any third-party RAM you've added -- Pather seems to be VERY picky about the RAM you have installed.
You may need to update your firmware before you can install Panther, unless you did previously. Try it anyway, though.
I finally got it to install. What seems to have worked was repairing permissions and then rebooting before re-trying the install.

At first, the Install Mac OSX bundle appeared to be a folder in the finder. Double-clicking it did result in an attempt to start the installer. However, it would just close/crash. After repairing permissions it still appeared as a folder. After the reboot, it finally appeared as an icon. Of course, nothing changed on the installer cd, but something changed and it worked. Running just fine now.