I had to lose my uptime the other night. Not terrifically impressive, just a couple of weeks, but I had just worked out some problems that had been causing crashes, so I wanted to see what I could get. Start from Go...
So, here is the terrible story. I go into the computer room; it's dark out, so I turn on the light. Pop. The light goes back out. I reach up, unscrew the bulb, but it's making weird screeching sounds and turning really stiffly. Then I discover why: The glass part was unscrewing from the metal part, but the metal part was still stuck firmly in the socket.
So, I go get some pliers. As a caution, I turn of the breakers for the apartment - they're not labelled, so I can't just turn off the one I needed, have to shut off the computer.
It took a good ten minutes to pull out the remains of the bulb, and in the end it just came out in sharp little shreds of tin. It was stuck in there so tight, the whole light fixture came unscrewed from the ceiling at one point, and I had to fasten it back before I could continue. Grr! Good thing I had some candles about.