I go to school and the thread I started has two pages! lol..... but regarding an earlier post:
Quote-"I dont see how you can say they are even behind Apple let alone 4 years. Apples security has been shown to be such a joke recently."
Are you kidding me? Have you used OS X......There's been probably what 12 security updates in the last 6-8 months compared to 1 to 2 every other day on xp? And the updates on OS X are usually what 600 kb's to 1 mb? I don't know what your talking about..........
Longhorn looks like xp with more help pages to guide you how to do stuff and set up things (OS X is literally plug it in, your done, in most cases) and your right I shouldn't say the sidebars a rip off msn 8, but we could go get the msn software for 10 dollars and have the same thing practically. Also theres some much better, right window transparency and some copying from OS X ( the windows flap around when u move them? whats the point in this besides it looking exactly like minimizing/bringing back up windows in OS X? why would you want your windows doing that when you move them around..I move windows all the time and I know this would get annoying after two seconds). Also theres some effect where all the windows are abruptly tunred sideways/upside down/any and every direction and you can still type in the window you were in before doing this. The point? They're obviously showing they could have expose features, but I hope apple has that feature patented and microsoft would look really stupid if they just outright copied it. I've seen some pictures where there's a hump at the end of the start bar. Wow that is innovative and exciting (note the sarcasm please). And the start-up says Windows Longhorn with a black background and there are now three little RED bars that go by.....It's amazing I tell you. Now I also know windows is great. And I'm not kidding. 91% of the world uses it right, so they have to be doing something.....oh wait they copied key features and ideas the mac os had which came out in 1984 and released windows 95. In all reality, windows has one good feature, they run on pc's which are superior to mac in the video game department (Although the G5 has picked up remarkably in closing this gap, and when we see the dual 3 ghz G5, the gap oughta be closed) . Also, you can get crummy pc's at unbelievably cheap prices ($399 Dells, for example) but you could pay 850 and get a quality emac with 512 ram and a 1 ghz powerpc g4. I know I will get hit hard by windows lovers about how I know nothing and that windows is the best, but you can check the facts. The original Mac did start the age of a real OS, they came out with the first low-cost mouse, they started the computer revolution. I want people to also know that up to just 5 months ago, I never owned a mac in my life, but I am really good with computers and it literally took me about an hour to figure out how to use the mac OS (jaguar at the time) and understand how much easier, simple it was to use. I used to even think windows was I'd like to point out one more thing. My friend has a 333 mhz iMac from 1999 with 288 mb of ram, and he runs OS X Panther, and even though the graphics arent what they are on my 17" iMac 1.25 ghz, its still an incredible system. And for 250 dollars hes putting in a 600 mhz upgrade, and maxing the ram for 48 dollars to 512, which I am sure will make it run just a little bit better
. I would love to see windows xp run on a 5 year old pc with the stock processor and that much ram (if it was possible?) . So my advice is go to the nearest apple store, use one of your friends macs, and just use it for 2 hours, give it a chance. You may end up wanting to switch just as fast as I did. Also I know this post got off the longhorn subject a little, but theres not much to talk about
Quote-"I dont see how you can say they are even behind Apple let alone 4 years. Apples security has been shown to be such a joke recently."
Are you kidding me? Have you used OS X......There's been probably what 12 security updates in the last 6-8 months compared to 1 to 2 every other day on xp? And the updates on OS X are usually what 600 kb's to 1 mb? I don't know what your talking about..........
Longhorn looks like xp with more help pages to guide you how to do stuff and set up things (OS X is literally plug it in, your done, in most cases) and your right I shouldn't say the sidebars a rip off msn 8, but we could go get the msn software for 10 dollars and have the same thing practically. Also theres some much better, right window transparency and some copying from OS X ( the windows flap around when u move them? whats the point in this besides it looking exactly like minimizing/bringing back up windows in OS X? why would you want your windows doing that when you move them around..I move windows all the time and I know this would get annoying after two seconds). Also theres some effect where all the windows are abruptly tunred sideways/upside down/any and every direction and you can still type in the window you were in before doing this. The point? They're obviously showing they could have expose features, but I hope apple has that feature patented and microsoft would look really stupid if they just outright copied it. I've seen some pictures where there's a hump at the end of the start bar. Wow that is innovative and exciting (note the sarcasm please). And the start-up says Windows Longhorn with a black background and there are now three little RED bars that go by.....It's amazing I tell you. Now I also know windows is great. And I'm not kidding. 91% of the world uses it right, so they have to be doing something.....oh wait they copied key features and ideas the mac os had which came out in 1984 and released windows 95. In all reality, windows has one good feature, they run on pc's which are superior to mac in the video game department (Although the G5 has picked up remarkably in closing this gap, and when we see the dual 3 ghz G5, the gap oughta be closed) . Also, you can get crummy pc's at unbelievably cheap prices ($399 Dells, for example) but you could pay 850 and get a quality emac with 512 ram and a 1 ghz powerpc g4. I know I will get hit hard by windows lovers about how I know nothing and that windows is the best, but you can check the facts. The original Mac did start the age of a real OS, they came out with the first low-cost mouse, they started the computer revolution. I want people to also know that up to just 5 months ago, I never owned a mac in my life, but I am really good with computers and it literally took me about an hour to figure out how to use the mac OS (jaguar at the time) and understand how much easier, simple it was to use. I used to even think windows was I'd like to point out one more thing. My friend has a 333 mhz iMac from 1999 with 288 mb of ram, and he runs OS X Panther, and even though the graphics arent what they are on my 17" iMac 1.25 ghz, its still an incredible system. And for 250 dollars hes putting in a 600 mhz upgrade, and maxing the ram for 48 dollars to 512, which I am sure will make it run just a little bit better
