looking for a GTA-like game for Mac ...



I remember having seen online a downloadable under-development program from a guy who was trying to make (alone!) a GTA-like game for Mac. The results were pretty bad as game play and graphics but this was a under-development game and he was ... alone ! And from that point of view what he achieved was very good.

I tried hard this morning to find this game again (I saw it something like one year ago) because I think it was OpenSource and I was curious to explore how he was dealing with many stuff for a game I am planning to do by myself (designing the game which is actually more an experimental work for behavior simulations).

Thank you for your help if you can remember this game and give me some URL,
Pirates of the XXI Century is mentioned in the latest MacAddict. It sounds very much like a GTA-like game. You can roam all around Los Angeles, open ended missions, etc. The screenshot shows apparently top-notch graphics.

Due out when? Um. . . soon. I can't remember exactly. Maybe January???!!!

Why doesn't Rockstar let them port GTA to Mac, get some more $$?

Pirates of the XXI Century looks cool in this months mac addict. Graphics are indeed good but requirements requirements requirements!!!!
Thank you guys for all your replies. For some reason and because of my junk mail filter I did not notice your answers before ;-)

Well, actually I went to see that Payback thing you suggested despite I already had a look at it before sending my original post.
And the fact is that this game is the one I was looking for, except that I mixed in my memory this game and a post on a forum of a guy that wanted to make his own GTA. ;-)

Thank you for your help,
Have a good XMas celebration,
I guess I should have mentioned that Pirates of the XXI Century is similar to GTA 3, that is, 3D graphics. Not like GTA 1 and 2.

Macfreak88, were you replying to my message? If so, then yeah. Pirates of the XXI Century is being developed for Mac OS X and Windows and something else. Console? Linux? Can't remember.

Pirates of the XX1 Century seems to be a dead project. Nothing has been updated in a year.