Lost In Programs

sweatty betty

Since upgrading to 10.3.5 I have lost some programs. They were working fine before but not any more. Dreamweaver MX 2004 and Flash MX 2004 both are there but when I double click they appear to think about starting but then stall and nothing, no message or anything. I have re-installed but same again. Any Ideas???????
Welcome to the Forum sweatty betty...
Have you repaired permissions? Are you using a Shortcut for your starting the applications? Have you tried going directly to the folder the programs are in and tried starting them from there?
Not using a shortcut, tried direct from folder, but how do I repair my permissions, and please keep it simple I haven't got a clue what half the replies in this forum are going on about most of the time!!!???!! :)
Sorry, I am not in front of my Mac at the moment, so I will try to shoot from the hip. Go to the Programs folder then to the folder Utilities. In this folder find a program called Disk Utilities (or something similar). Run this program, and then you should see a field for Repair Permissions.
Perhaps you may want to try that. Also, check the vendor websites for updates to the programs...

Anyone else have any advice out there?
I don't think repairing permissions is necessary if betty did a reinstall of the applications. Permissions should be set properly during installatoin. But I can see how they may be incorrect after an OSX upgrade.

I haven't tried installing DW MX on my new 10.3 iBook yet, last time I was using it was 10.2.8. What I can tell you is that DW MX is a Carbon app. In OSX 10.3 carbonlib was updated along with a bunch of other things, that's why (if you've played with XCode and dev tools) there's an SDK for all 3 OSX 10.x releases.

Before you upgraded to 10.3.5 what OS were you using? If you were using OSX, did you run those programs in "Classic" mode? Do you now have Classic and OS9 installed and working properly in your new 10.3.5 environment?
Dreamweaver and Flash MX 2004 are both not really good in OSX compared to PC's. Ive had trouble with the whole MX Suite not responding on startup and basically resulting in restarting my mac. Repairing Disk Permissions is a good idea but if it hasnt worked and you've re-installed the programs seriously think about contacting Macromedia - thats if you actually own the program and its not a cracked version, not saying that you definatly have i dunno. Overall all of MX's apps run quite slow in OSX since macromedia changed their focus to the Windows Platform and ive got an 1.25ghz emac with 1gb of ram and it still runs slow compared to my old pc.

Hope you get it fixed...
Another thing you could try is going into the ~/Library/Preferences folder and blasting away the preference files for these applications. That often fixes this sort of problem.
All the programs worked fine in 10.2.8, in fact I have re-installed the previous versions Dreamweaver MX and Flash MX and they work fine and that is what I am using in the meantime but it would be nice to be bang up to date!!!! I am away from my desk for a day and will try deleting the preferences and re-installing any other suggestions anyone may post in the meantime when I return. Thanks for all your suggestions so far though! Keep up the good work!
Ah, now we're getting somewhere: I'm taking "after upgarding to 10.3.5" to mean that you updated a 10.2.x installation to 10.3.x using the "Upgrade" option in the OS X installer, correct?

Although Apple lets you do this, I think people here will generally agree that the "upgrade" process from 10.2 to 10.3 can leave you with problems -- including the inability to launch applications.

Is it correct to assume this is what you did?
Programs that stall on startup - tends to happen when the preferences file is corrupt, as symphonix mentioned. Try trashing prefs first.

Also, I don't suppose it would hurt to clear the system and user caches. You could, for instance, use the freeware Cocktail, to do that.
