Lost the ability to upload

Red Sky

Hello- I have been searching the web for an answer to my particular problem that first showed up a week ago and thought I would ask here, as I haven't yet found what to do. First of all, I have a 1.8 Power PC iMac, running Leopard ( 10.5.8) with 2 GB RAM. My problem is the inability to upload anything, on any software. If I try in Safari, Mail, or my flickr uploader the specific software just crashes. This happens in both my account and a new user account I set up to test it. I tested this with my EHD's disconnected and still the same. When I hit the "add attachment" button I need the Finder window shows up but as soon as I select the desired file I have a pause before the spinning ball and then the crash.

I have done all the usual remedies like resets, permissions, remove preference files, done hardware checks (all show up fine) and now feel I am to the point where I may have to do a clean reinstall. I did see somewhere, out on the web, that a person with a similar problem did that yet the problem remained, so I guess that is a risk. Everything else on my system seems to be working fine, yet to get items to my photo blog I have to transfer my images over to a flash drive using Bridge, and submit them on another computer, which is kind of a drag.

If anyone has any suggestions on what I might try to correct this issue I would be most appreciative. I'm taking a few hours break from this machine now but I will check back later. Looks to me that there are some knowledgeable people here, worth the time to register.

Thank you!
Could very likely be a hardware problem. Either a bad hard drive or even blown caps on the logic board. Those models had issues with blown caps.
Not being able to upload sounds like a network issue to me. Nothing in the OP indicates that any measures have been taken to ensure a proper connection to the Internet or to test the quality of the connection.
I had the power supply replaced last year, and that has been the only problem I have had with this machine up until now. The Hardware Test that came on a disc with the machine was done and everything showed up fine. I did a disk verify and that too said everything was OK. My internet connection seems fine as far as the network goes and I'm not sure in regards to the iMac. I did one of those online assessments on speed and got 19.43 Mbps on download, 3.30 Mbps upload. Not exactly sure how to read those or reference them to, but that's what it said. In regards to add ons with Safari I tried that before and it still crashed, as it did when I created a new account.

Thanks for the suggestions, though. I think it may be time for a new machine. Power PC's have been left to whither, and I guess the Intel processor is required to get any future updates, not to mention software.
Upload speeds are less than download speed. Yours seem to be quite inline. If you can upload to a speed testing site, then you should be able to upload to any other site. My guess is that your network settings are somehow munged.
What I am coming to wonder, based on some more careful observation that I neglected to include in my OP, is that something is amiss with Finder. Say I am in Mail,and hit the Add Attachment button. The Finder window comes up as normal, showing the columns. I locate the file I want and hit on that, and in the column on the right I get the general preview of the file type and size. This is as far as I get before I get the crash. I used to get the image preview in a thumbnail to the right of that, but for some reason I can't get that anymore. I reset Finder preferences early on, but I'm not sure if there is anything further in the Library I need to remove to see if that helps.