LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

Ummm... just joking there buddy, I never talk about anything serious in this place. Im just yanking your chain. Chill out.

Now that that uncomfortable thing has past... what else can we waste our time with.

What is your favorite amusment park? There are probably more than Six Flags, Cedar Point, and any other big chains. So let us know.
Well that is like the only one real close to here. Except for Six Flags.

Thats it? Its been up for a day. This is pathetic!
Yeah, well, it IS the LTM and Nummi show--it's just too bad no one else enjoys it :) :)

j/k guys--it's mildly entertaining :D
I wish we could share our witty thoughts with all of the members. Our little fudge packin ideas and entertainment are constricted to this thread. Anywhere else would be in-appropirate.

Oh well, time to go back to being schmucks!

Juggies? You mean knockers? Melons? Cantalopes? If thats what you mean... bring it on!
The title of this thread has actually kept me from visiting it earlier :p :D
What's actually going on here?
No, it doesn't.

It was dead for some time, but then I established the Threads From The Dead Assoc. :p
I think im going to shoot myself. You know those telemarketers who always are trying to promote buisness. They are annoying. Does that sound like anyone we know?

This show is cool. You guys dont give it a chance. It would be more interesting if someone would actually come in and visit! So dont blame us, its YOUR FAULT!
it's good as long as you ask people good questions. you started to interest me, and then you went off your own tangent like 14 year olds with the attention span of a monkey. no offence, i like monkeys...

suggestion, pick one, lket's say ksv, and start asking questions... good ones...
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
I am going to say Cedar Point. Cause we are going there Saturday !

I am mad at you. I sooooo want to go there!
All we have is Marine World here. Hopefully we'll go to Great America sometime...