LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

Originally posted by RacerX
Having problems with bulimia? Maybe you should consult an adult before it gets too bad. Teens often have eating disorders (specially ones with emotional problems like yourself).

I dont even know what the hell bulimia is. You try to use big words to intimidate the rest of us dont you? Well tough luck for you... I have a medical dictionary... Ill be right back.

As for that making myself throw up... no... im not THAT dumb.
Allllrighty fellas. Stop please. Unless you want to add a new part to the show. Midget wrestling... ? You 2 fight... I will be the announcer.
"In this corner LTM and in the other corner Racer X." Go beat the crap out of each other. *DING* *DING*. Round 1:
whohoo!!! the show is about to get interesting again. i have one comment though, racerX always comments on the emotional problems of others and sees all people younger than him (i'm guessing that would be everyone on the planet) yet he has just as many emotional problems, or maybe just a short temper, as lesthanmighty, whom i'm guessing here must be the youngest guy on earth sine racerX is alweays picking on him. and he seems (lesthanmighty) to have enough energy to quarell with almost anyone on this forum i think he was kicked out once too, ah well, this will be some interesting fight... no.. no audience punchiing thank you.
observed by vic
i have one comment though, racerX always comments on the emotional problems of others and sees all people younger than him (i'm guessing that would be everyone on the planet) yet he has just as many emotional problems, or maybe just a short temper, as lesthanmighty, whom i'm guessing here must be the youngest guy on earth sine racerX is alweays picking on him.

Just a few questions on that though. First, someone who is not an adult is younger than me. I have never commented (or implied) youth to anyone who was not both very young and acting in an immature fashion. If someone feels the need to display such traits in public, who am I to ignore them. :D

Emotional problems can be documented (and the consequences seen by all). Please provide examples from my 1300 post of me losing my temper, using excessive profanity while conversing with other members, physically threatening other members and/or getting band from the site (on numerous occasions). Seeing as I have more than twice as many posts as Rick, showing us the just as many emotional problems part of your comment should be very easy, don't you think vic?

As for short temper, I have found (in all these many years) that people who feel the need to talk tough behind someone's back are usually the weakest people of all. They are never ready for the real confrontation which they talk about (and Rick is just a perfect example of this). I don't have anything against Rick, but he needs to learn these lessons somewhere, and better me confronting him than someone who might actually take him seriously (I've drawn chalk outlines around people who said less to the wrong person). I am having fun with Rick, and other than a bruised ego, he is left unharmed (and hopefully a little wiser).

Where do you get picking on him? As far as he is concerned, he need only bring up my name for me to appear in a thread. The fact that it takes him longer to learn these types of things than your average person is not my fault. Less we forget, my current entry into this thread was because Rick felt he would hunt me down and kill me. I just wanted to be easy to find. :D

i think he was kicked out once too,

Twice that I know of. The first time Admin felt the need to delete all of his post because they were so bad. It looks like Rick has learned from that lesson, maybe he won't try commenting about me in this forum after this round of us spending some quality time together. :rolleyes:

So yes, come one, come all! Enjoy the show where Lessthanmighty earns his name. :D

(NOTE: unless Rick doesn't want to continue on with this)
Yes Racer... Rick has been kicked out twice. and i have been kicked out once :) Actually... I think I was twice.... but admin let me back in with this name. Whatever
I dont have time right now to prove my points again to you. Im in the middle of my photography class and I have to leave. So when I return home this evening I will have plenty to say.

I dont see how I can get kicked off again because I am argue-ing with you. I know I cant spell... shut up. Im expressing my point very calmly to you. I am not vulgar and it is your choice to come and read these posts... I am not pointing a gun to your head.

So... ill be back... dont worry!
racerX i appreciate your imput, don't get me wrong, but sometimes i am wondering if you ever do something else besides wonder in theese forums ;) i mean your replies are good, but they are longer than i have ever written an essay!
No Jerry... you are wrong. Remember Durke? You know how he forces his opinions on others... even if he is completely wrong. You remember? I cant stand people like that. They always think the way they see the world is right... and they have to tell everyone. If they are told that there opinions arent accepted they still bother you... if you say that they are right just to agree with them, they still stick around. Why? I would really like to know?

Am I that stupid? Do I really need someone telling me where im wrong... NO! I dont think so. People have differing view points... im sorry if they cant see this, thats not my problem.

You notice that I didnt use any names... except you and Durke... good job. GO ME! I expressed my point without insulting any paticular person... so if you think that this was aimed at anyone... I feel sorry for YOU.

Have a good day!
We all know you are compairing Durke and Racer X. I do not think you should juxtapose Durke and Racer. Not good. Durke rambles on about religion.
I dunno LTM... when anyone - even people my age - tells me I did something stupid, I usually at least take it into consideration, and I feel that I'm a better person for it. And I kind of tend to default to the belief that people who are older than me have more experience than me by definition, so I think it's best not to just blow them off.

You don't have to get defensive every time someone tells you you're doing something wrong. You might, instead, take it as advice, which in friendly company is probably what it's meant to be, and use it as an opportunity to make yourself a better person. RacerX has some very valid points, none of which you've really responded to except with the blanket statement "People have differing view points... im sorry if they cant see this, thats not my problem." The point is, you might be better off if you made an effort to make it your problem, instead of assuming that Racer is wrong for even trying to make suggestions to you.

Just my 2^n cents.

Nummi: You can't stop the flood now! :D

-the valrus
FINE! Racer... consider your opinions considered.

Not that I will take your advice... but I did think about it. Is everyone happy now? Is this what you wanted? I hope it is... now can we move on to something else?
OK Rick... what is the next topic? How about life? What is your occupation Racer X ? Something with computers I would guess.
OK... no one has posted anything in 2 days. how about another new topic: why the macosx forum is dying a slow a painful death.
Yeah... I understand. I do not have to worry about finals for about another week. but I am not going to study for them anyway! ahahaha!
Originally asked by Jerry
What is your occupation Racer X ? Something with computers I would guess.

I'm an independent computer consultant specializing in systems used by graphics professionals.

OK... no one has posted anything in 2 days.

I've been slammed with a ton of work for the last week. All I want to do when I get home is sleep. Hopefully it is going to let up in a couple days (making a nice amount of money though :D).
NOO!!! the perfect system for photshop is a Celeron 1.2 Ghz, with Win XP and 128 megs of ram, tht's ALL you need!
Originally posted by vic
NOO!!! the perfect system for photshop is a Celeron 1.2 Ghz, with Win XP and 128 megs of ram, tht's ALL you need!

Is that what you have ?? HA! If that is the case... then a 400mhz G4 with 640 megs of RAM is the best.