LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

Adidas... Nike... and AND 1. My getto (spelling) slip on's!

A- all
D- day
I- I (duh!)
D- dream
A- about
S- SEX (yeah baby!)

I need a life!:D
Thanks... that looks correct.

How about cd players... im listening to my AIWA cd player. What about you guys... what kinda of cd player do yall have?
Not to get off the subject... but.... we had a decent day of golf today. Weather was a bit chilly but overall it was good.

Im kinda depressed because I wont get to see my girfriend hardly at all this weekend. And I have shat loads of homework... but enough of my problems. Does anyone else have problems that they want to share. Im here to listen.
Originally posted by vic
i need o take abig shit...

thank you Vic. we really wanted to know that. I guess no one has any problems Rick. you are the only one in the world.

I am going to see West Side Story with Kaylee tonight. (at Lake Catholic). I am not sure why she loves West Side Story so much.
West side story:
Yeah... I know... if Mo could have gone tonight we would have been joining you two. Sounds like fun... or NOT! I dont know why you would want to see that thing like a million times. Well... maybe its a girl thing.

My life is going great! Forget all that stupid as* homework. I have more important things to do. Like be with my girlfriend. Yeah... go take a peak in the other thread for a longer story.
now hold on there Richard... what happened to all the: "shut-up, I do not want to hear about all the mushy stuff and your girlfriend." ?????? huh, huh ?
Its payback biotch!

I hope you have to puke. That would make my day. Besides "you wouldnt understand!" SOUND FAMILIAR DONT IT!
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Its payback biotch!

I hope you have to puke. That would make my day. Besides "you wouldnt understand!" SOUND FAMILIAR DONT IT!

payback for what? I hope you puke? it does not bother me. Yeah... you would not understand untill you had a GF. now you do have one... and you like to talk about it. now you will get the: don't talk about your personal life crap from some poeple.
Oh Im waiting for RacerX... or should I say brokenhartd... to show up and start his complaining. If I ever found out that that nutcase sent letters to your girlfriend or mine, I would hunt him down and kill him. There are some really weird people out there, and they should be stopped. Thats why I kinda want to become one of those internet cops who tracks down those sexual preditors.

Even to mention the fact that you would ever try to prove your point by going to those lengths is beyond me.

Well if that doesnt piss someone off. I should shut up before they find something to kick me off again for.
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Oh Im waiting for RacerX... or should I say brokenhartd... to show up and start his complaining. If I ever found out that that nutcase sent letters to your girlfriend or mine, I would hunt him down and kill him. There are some really weird people out there, and they should be stopped.

that joke was not cool at the time... but now I think it was good. It was genius. I like the nutcases... they are the cool ones.
the crazy people are the cool ones. Don't tell me Kyle is not a little crazy! I think it is time to stop thinking Racer X is a mean guy. :)
Kyle is funny as hell. There is not one thing that he says that isnt funny. He might be crazy... but there are different types of crazy.
...I would hunt him down and kill him.

followed by

There are some really weird people out there, and they should be stopped. Thats why I kinda want to become one of those internet cops who tracks down those sexual preditors.

Funny, people who make threats of physical harm to others over the internet are the type of people that police track (and are usually in the classification of weird). What is also interesting is that I only started to pay attention to you when you attacked Admiral. My attentions were again drawn by your remarks about me online, and now you are doing it again.

Rick, if you want trouble from me, just ask. If you don't, learn to keep your mouth shut.

Well if that doesnt piss someone off...

Not me, I can't get mad at someone as stupid as you. You hurt yourself far more than I would ever have wanted (I can't help but feel sorry for you, and more importantly those around you).

Anyway, you know how to find me, so what should we talk about this time?

Well... usually I try to agree to disagree agree-ably. I dont think that this is possible. So since some people think I would lose horribly to battle-ing wits with you.... why try? You are just too smart for me.

To the rest of you guys... excuse me... I have to go puke now.:D
Well... usually I try to agree to disagree agree-ably.

Yeah, just not in this life time. :D

You are just too smart for me.

I'd be honored if almost every member of this site wasn't also just too smart for you. But it is good that you can admit to that.

To the rest of you guys... excuse me... I have to go puke now.

Having problems with bulimia? Maybe you should consult an adult before it gets too bad. Teens often have eating disorders (specially ones with emotional problems like yourself).