LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

Originally posted by Nummi_G4
"Microsoft security" :)

THAT IS IT YOU LITTLE SHIT! I HAVE never been so insulted in my entire life. I.... I am going to shoot myself.


That makes me happy! DO IT !

That would make your show a lot more interesting!:eek: :)
Do you know how much paperwork needs to be filled if some commits sucide on the air? Save ME the trouble... besides where else can I get a good co-host?
It is ok LTM/Nutz... I will not kill myself. only losers would kill themselves because someone made fun of them.
you are not turning into another deez_nuts are you Alex?

I would love to send large text back and forth... but I have to go shave my ass now.

He doesnt really mean that he has to shave his ass. Thats slang for whacking it while he talks to his girlfriend over the phone.:D

Sorry Nummi! I couldn't help it!:p :) :D ;)
HAH HA... that is funny... I will not be "whacking it","over the phone". I will be over her house, "ripping down wallpaper".

down DOESNT = off
wallpaper DOESNT = her clothes


Well this is a bust. I guess this will be a pointless garbage thread! How fun!:p
Thats what this has turned into. You are practically the only one who comes in here. I think we a being shunned by the rest of the macosx community. We are outcasted.
"If we cant get rid of them, dont talk to them."
Its unbelieveable what has happened... nothing has changed since I announced my identity. Telling them I am cool now doesnt have an effect on them one way or the other.
Well then, its settled. No one over...18?... will be allowed to post here. Anyone older than that will just come in here and post some sort of psychological crap and tell us we are imature. They can cram it.

:D I love being me.:D