"Joomla makes creating and maintaining Web sites easy for everyone, from total beginners setting up their first site to IT professionals managing enterprise installations."
"Although blogs are now the most common way to be online, there are still people who prefer alternative web publishing methods like a content management system.
"Joomla! is one of those systems, in fact one of the most popular ones. On the one hand, it's definitely not as easy to set up as a personal blog on any free blogging platform, but on the other hand, it grants you total control on the way your website is displayed, managed and updated. And in case you need help, Joomla! features a highly detailed help section on its website which can bring light on any problem you may have during installation and configuration.
"With Joomla! you can set up a complete website in minutes. You don't need to design or code anything; as long as you install the required apps (PHP, MySQL and Apache) you're ready to go. The whole website is configured and customized through web menus, so that the only thing you need to worry about is creating good content for your site."