Mac Boots straight into Darwin, won't load GUI.


Thank you for reading this.
I have a Powerbook 667. While downloading/installing the latest security update and os 10.3.4, the machine crashed. Now it will not load the GUI. It starts loading, but quits at "loading ip firewall extension" and boots to Darwin with a unix login screen. (I tried to repair permissions from there and single user mode but it seems to still be "broken".) I have repaired permissions from CD, Run diskwarrior and techtool, run "FSCK", read var/log/system.log for clues I understand (/usr/libexec/fix_prebinding is mentioned many times), I have typed "exit" but it just cycles back thru a bit of blue than back to "login". any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hm. Can you launch the login window directly? The command:
might do.

Unfortunately, if the thing crashed in mid-install, you may well be reinstalling the OS from zero. You ought to be able to save your peronal files though.
Thank you for your reply scruffy)
I connected it to my other laptop via target disk mode, killed receipts, re-ran the security update and the 10.2.4 from laptop #2, booted from Panther disk and repaired permissions twice..... all is back to normal.
Bad idea to kill the receipts in the Receipts folder. Now you can't properly repair permissions anymore (er, actually, only the permissions referenced by the receipts in the Receipts folder will be repaired. If there are incorrect permissions set on things that were previously in the Receipts folder but now aren't since you deleted them, the incorrect permissions will remain even after running Repair Permissions). It's a good idea to leave the Receipts folder alone unless you're POSITIVE that you need to delete a receipt.

What receipts are for:

How to correct it: