Mac Catch the Flu?

My girlfriend's computer refuses to connect to the internet. If it does, it only remains online for a few seconds. Her internet provider believes that she has some sort of virus, spyware, or adware that's causing the problem. I told her that macs cannot get any of these and that he's crazy. Am I the one that's crazy? Are there such things as a mac virus, spyware, or adware?
No. Why are ISP's so silly sometimes when they don't want to deal with a problem?

How does she connect? What kind of connection is it?
Sometimes it helps to change the modem script from "(whatever modem) v.90" to "(whatever modem) v.34" for ISPs that don't correctly support v.90 or v.92 connections.

That is, if she uses dial-up and not DSL or cable or something else.
my girlfriend's computer is connected through the apartments ethernet (LAN). Apparently other computers in her network (neighbors, roommates) had similar problems. So problem solved, it was not her computer, it was her network. Funny how her ISP tries to blame the mac user for her computer not working correctly when it turns out it was the ISPs fault the entire time. Her internet now works after other complaints to the ISP.