Mac Converts

How many people have you converted to the Mac/

  • None, I don't try.

  • None, maybe next year

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3-4

  • 5-8

  • 9-15

  • 15-20

  • CONVERT OR DIE!!! (20+)

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6 Friends :)
I kinda regret it. They're always like 'Haha! Your macs old! then saying about PowerPC e.t.c' But the thing is. I'm the one they all come crying to if they have a problem. I'm the mac guru :P

Tried to convert the school. In our ICT class the words 'Mac','Apple','Macintosh are all banned. We get a detention if we say them!
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6 Friends :)
I kinda regret it. They're always like 'Haha! Your macs old! then saying about PowerPC e.t.c' But the thing is. I'm the one they all come crying to if they have a problem. I'm the mac guru :P

Get a summer job and get a new Black MacBook. you will not regret it.

Mac guru? So guru tell us how to spec a Mac out for the NSA. I'll give you clue it's out hidden on the net.

Tried to convert the school. In our ICT class the words 'Mac','Apple','Macintosh are all banned. We get a detention if we say them!

Go to a new and better school. Also show the school this photo and article.
I can't get a job. Im 15. Plus. I run my own business at the moment. That is my job.
And all money I get isn't going towards a computer. My Mac's are fine. It's how you use them. I dont see any of them running a online business??
I can't get a job. Im 15. Plus. I run my own business at the moment. That is my job.
And all money I get isn't going towards a computer. My Mac's are fine. It's how you use them. I dont see any of them running a online business??

I was working for the State I when I was 16 digging graves . So top that one!:eek:
I notice this thread began in 2001. Prior to that time, I thought Macs were much better made, but PCs did what I needed and were much more affordable.

Since that time, much has changed. I've made the switch because Macs have only gotten better (for my uses) and PCs have continued to get worse (more viruses, more spyware, more bloat, less compatibility).

1) I've lived with a Pismo since '04. Didn't like OS 9, so I switched it to OS X. Having the terminal available for me (I've spent a bit of time with Linux) was comforting, especially as I used to be able to fix MANY Windoughs problems by digging into the command line interface - and XP has lost command line power just as Mac has gained it. And, of course, Vista really sux.

2) I've managed to reduce my need to use Windoughs, as almost everything I need to do can now be done on my Powerbook (either my G4 or my trusty old Pismo).

3) Now that Mac uses Intel processors, I can run Parallels, use Windoughs when I have to, and finally, FINALLY get rid of my last remaining PC.

I still haven't decided about my next Mac, though - either an iMac 20 or a 15-inch Mac Book Pro.