.mac down... again... ?

Seems like .mac IMAP is working again through mail.app as of 11:50 am Eastern Time.

Hope this isn't gonna hurt the "My mac never crashes" message but it's pretty embarassing. Not even my mom and pop ISP has had that long of an outage and especially not on a Monday morning.

This happens too frequently for a service that I pay for! (even though I got the service for free). Still, if people see that Apple can't keep the service up and running, how can they convince new customers to sign up?
Since I haven't been able to backup, check my mail, etc., Apple SHOULD credit me for the lost productivity. After all, I'm paying for this.
FYI -- I sent mail to my .mac account at 11:39 CST using my work account and it never appeared. No "unable to deliver" message was returned to my work account.

A subsequent mail message sent at 12:16 CST was properly delivered to .mac.

Bottom line -- we may all be missing mail???
Check out this article at MacCentral.

Apple has admited the problems and basically said it's a problem with the hardware they are using, and that they're in the process of getting new hardware to fix it.