Mac Mini - Airport Extreme


Hi again,

I ordered my mac mini quite a few weeks ago and thought I wouldent need airport extreme, now I really need it ASAP! Can I buy a card and install it?? It says something about having a "airport ready" mac!! What does this mean!?
Also is is hard installing airport extreme or dead easy?

Last question... is this the same with bluetooth? Can I just buy a card??
airport ready means no need to buy a card it's already in it, so just buy the airport extreme or express. Setting up : don't know about extreme but setting up express (airtunes) was dead easy. Just follow instructions and in no more than 5 minutes you're in wireless paradise.

Bluetooth is used for keyboards, mouses and mobile phones not same technology/use.

to check if cards already in : utilities/system profiler, check : Hardware
I want to connect to my wireless belkin (already setup) router that I think is compatible, is all I do buy the airport extreme card for my mini mac and then off I go??

And I havent got a wirless card installed.
If I don’t order my system with Bluetooth, AirPort, or both installed, can I add them later?

Not by yourself. But you can get an Apple specialist or someone at an Apple Store to add them for you. If you’re planning on using Bluetooth or AirPort on the Mac mini at any point during its life, just order it now and save yourself the trouble.

I think I remember reading that the Mac mini has two antennae (one for bluetooth, one for wireless networking) that are not included with systems that didn't ship with AirPort or bluetooth -- I'm sure it's entirely possible to install it yourself, but you cannot just purchase an AirPort Extreme card and plug it in. It's more involved than that.

Here is a guide on how to do it:
I'm not sure if the AirPort Extreme card they reference in that guide is the same one you can purchase from the Apple Store. I suspect it is, but that's bad advice to go on.

And some more information about a "mezzanine" piece of required hardware that may not be present in a machine ordered without either AirPort Extreme and bluetooth: