Running 10.3.3/Safari 1.2 on a PowerBook G4 Titanium 667
well, Safari is using about 80% CPU while sitting idle with 2 tabs open. So, some work needs to be done there.
The download manager has been improved. It gives you an estimated time remaining. If you cancel a download, it tells you how much has been downloaded of the total and lets you resume. The icon on the desktop also has a little progress bar. Nice touch (reminiscent of I.E.).
PithHelmet is not working with this build, which is no real surprise.
Other than that, it seems ok so far. Haven't had much time to play with it yet.
addendum to earlier post: One could also obtain the betas if a coworker was a Select or Premier ADC member, and elected to give you one their 5(?) download keys.