Mac OS X in Czech

Teng Lee

Hi everyone,

I just bought an Apple iBook from the US. I was thinking of giving it as a birthday present for a friend of mine in the czech republic and I was wondering whether there is anyway to have the menus appear in czech (cestina).

I can set the date format and the input to czech but somehow not the menus.

Is there a download available for czech language or I have to buy a totally separate OS?

Thanks in advance!

check at
They usually have free localizations for the finder (I had downloaded one for 10.2 a while ago), and this will take care of things. Usually it takes a while for apple resellers abroad to localize versions of the OS so if you dont find it right away its normal :)
no locationalization needed. it's already built into OS X. Go to System Preferences, and International. Click on Languages tab, edit and choose Cestina, okay. Click on Customize Sorting and Central Go to Input Menu and click on Central European, okay. Click on Input Menu Tab (3rd one), and click on Czech. Click on Options and check both boxes for language short cuts.

Number and date formats can be adjusted on the 2nd tab.

To have your menu come up in Czech, go to Language, 1st tab. Put Czech on top of order. Then, I believe you either restart computer or just log out and log back in. It should work that way.

Your friend can select as many languages as he or she prefers to switch.
Unless those languages were not installed in the first place. Then a reinstall would be needed.
yea, worse case, a reinstalling the entire OS X will only take 40 minutes. but i doubt that you'll need to reinstall everything ...
Thanks for all the reponses. I have tried going into the system preference and changing the language. I was able to get to change the date to czech, the input format to czech but unable to get the menus to come up in czech.

I even remove all other languages and have Cestina as the only one on top and restarted the computer without success.

I also tried reinstalling but Czech does not come up as the standard language options although other languages such as French and German, etc were.

Please help!

You cannot get the menus in czeck because Panther does not come with czeck localization. To get the finder localization you need to download the afformentioned files from By dragging cestina to the top of the list, like other members mentioned, other applications that are localized, like mellel perhaps, default to czeck menus.

Unfortunatelly I do not speak czech, but check this out:

You might be able to find what you are looking for.
I noticed that when I localized my system in Cestina some of my apps would crash on open (liiiike Windows Media Player, of course) because the input method had changed to Cyrillic; just something to think about, I have no idea what causes it precisely.
Weird... the input method should not change automatically.
I have a greek localization and rarely does it change automatically.

did you install anything from or did you just make cestina the first language in the panel?

Thinking about it