You can't tell me that OS/2 Warp wasn't highly marketed, and it could run Windows (3.1) apps. That didn't help, OS/2 was fading out of the market share race before Windows 95 came out. It was getting a ton of air time in most major markets, but in the end it was Microsoft's licensing agreements with PC makers that won the war, not visiblity. People use what is preinstalled on their systems over any alternatives. Better than half of Windows users use nothing else but Office on their systems. That means that they don't need or take advantage of the greater number of PC apps. They stayed with the bundled software that came with their system. And further, if their systems have any problems (be they minor or major) they usually just buy a new system altogether (on average, PC users buy a new computer every 18 months).
So have OS/2, or Linux, or Be, or anything else on the shelfs or CompUSA or BestBuy isn't going to make any difference. The only thing that would displace Windows as the king of market share would be to remove ALL operating systems from hardware (that is NO hardware comes with any software preinstalled, or bundled, or discounted), and then let the real market force take effect. It wouldn't take long before you would start seeing more Linux systems running StarOffice (or GNU's Office Suite) than Windows systems running Office.