I have had comcast cable DSL for the past 18 months. My Mac G5 and Airport Extreme were purchased new in April of 2004. Everything worked fine including my wireless HP printer. I just installed the SBC Global DSL and am having quite a few problems. SBC tech support has told me that they do not have experience with Mac's and they could switch me to a representative who does but I would have to pay a fee for this service. Currently I try get on the Internet through Safari. Sometimes it works many times it does not. I then have to go to Internet Explorer and then go to SBC global then enter my password( non of which I ever had to do with Comcast cable) . MY second computer ( Mac G4) is connected through the Airport extreme and opens up to the Comcast page without any problems. My printer no longer works through the wireless connection but will work if I hook a USB cable to it. Can anyone with experience help? My only other alternative is to return the SBC Global and loose $150. Thank you for any assistance you can give. Patrick