...like to see in X.3:
-Cocoa Finder A.S.A.P.
-Full Greek support like English (I'm from Greece and the greek support is lacking to say the least)
-Full Dual CPU support across OS and all apps, games, utilities, etc.
-Better Dock
-Better OpenGL support
-Better hardware compatibility (especially scanners and printers)
-Bring back the Themes & Sounds of 9.x.x
-Options to on/off all those graphic options of Aqua and not only change Genie/Scale effects
-Even better networking with Wintels
-Even better networking in general
-Even Faster Quartz graphics
-Better G3 support (!?!?) and older graphics
-Better sound support
-A much better DVD Player
-Full MPEG-4 and ACC support across iApps and system in general
-Better handling of Fonts
-iChat to support ICQ, Yahoo! and M$N
-Full support of X11
-Speech recognision not only in english but other languages as well: For example: Greek
-Upgraded system wide support of newest PDF standards
-Better multisession CD recording via Finder
-Better iApps (at least this will happen anyways but...)
-More games (Chess only?) and apps (painting app for example) which mostly required from Switchers
-One-click launch of apps, games, etc from Finder windows (similar to buttons found in pre-X OS versions) which exists only when you use Simple Finder!
-Faster access to .Mac and iDisk
-Better Java support
-All iApps bundled with OS and not download them separately
-USB2 support (requires hardware but...)
-Better support of icons/pictures previews
And many more things but this is growing big too fast so I have to stop here, for now
Oh, I forgot about this which is a must:
-Faster startup & shutdown times