Mac OSX upgrade


I am curious when the next upgrade will come out for Mac OSX? Do any of you have the slightest idea when this moment will come?
Probably within the next week or two. Developer builds of 10.2.4 have been seeded for a while now. The latest is build 6I20, which is rumored to be a strong candidate for Golden Master.
Originally posted by bananaboi8715
I am curious when the next upgrade will come out for Mac OSX? Do any of you have the slightest idea when this moment will come?
MacOS X 10.2.4 is imminent. You should see it in the next week or so.
That's rather an update. An upgrade would be 10.3, coming this Summer. (2003)
Any one remember the Apple free upgrade policy ?

I'm planning to buy a new mac within a few weeks (I just want a few 10'000 new Macs to have been bought and debugged before buying). But I would like to be able to upgrade to 10.3 for free when it becomes available. Anybody remebers how long we have free upgrade ?
IIRC, the "free" ($19.95 S/H) Jaguar upgrade was available to anyone who bought a new Mac or OS X 10.1 in the month before Jag was released.
i bought mine in late july, and they actually shipped me a copy of jaguar with the iMac - which i recieved on the 12th of august i believe. so if you order around the time of release, they usually will help you out.
Therefore only 1 month... It may be better for me to wait a little bit more... The hardware will have less bugs and the system will be fresh.
I agree, and depending on which Mac you want to get... I think we can assume for sure that iMacs and PowerBook 15" will be upgraded before Mac OS X 10.3 is released.
:: sigh :: I just spent my 120 bucks on Jaguar what four months ago? What is Panther expected to have?
Originally posted by Vyper
What is Panther expected to have?

wait... who said the the code name was panther???

(and why is everyone just waiting for 10.3!!!) i mean i didn't see these typys of threads for jag till may/june :eek:. just have some patience summer will come soon.
Jaguar threads were on here in late December/early January, when first builds (6B11) of Jaguar were seen in the free. There haven't been leaked builds of Panther yet, though...

The feature set of Panther hasn't been widely discussed on rumour sites, although Spymac has coupled it with JunkYard (guess one can still find those articles) and has talked about more Rendezvous integration and Location manager-like features.

It's still early though.

Last year, WWDC has brought a 'public' developer build (not really for the public, but it was officially announced and the devs got it at WWDC and we all saw it in the news).
Well, whatever it's called - what enhancements or additions would you like to see in 10.2.4 - er, 10.3?
what can they really add to os x already? i can't think of anything right now. Panther will probably just be faster or something. Maybe they'll fix the dock which screws up a lot on me (i usually have mine hidden with a little bit of magnifacation, but it sometimes freezes and won't magnify and show the app name). to see in X.3:
-Cocoa Finder A.S.A.P.
-Full Greek support like English (I'm from Greece and the greek support is lacking to say the least)
-Full Dual CPU support across OS and all apps, games, utilities, etc.
-Better Dock
-Better OpenGL support
-Better hardware compatibility (especially scanners and printers)
-Bring back the Themes & Sounds of 9.x.x
-Options to on/off all those graphic options of Aqua and not only change Genie/Scale effects
-Even better networking with Wintels
-Even better networking in general
-Even Faster Quartz graphics
-Better G3 support (!?!?) and older graphics
-Better sound support
-A much better DVD Player
-Full MPEG-4 and ACC support across iApps and system in general
-Better handling of Fonts
-iChat to support ICQ, Yahoo! and M$N :eek: networks
-Full support of X11
-Speech recognision not only in english but other languages as well: For example: Greek :D
-Upgraded system wide support of newest PDF standards
-Better multisession CD recording via Finder
-Better iApps (at least this will happen anyways but...)
-More games (Chess only?) and apps (painting app for example) which mostly required from Switchers :D
-One-click launch of apps, games, etc from Finder windows (similar to buttons found in pre-X OS versions) which exists only when you use Simple Finder!
-Faster access to .Mac and iDisk
-Better Java support
-All iApps bundled with OS and not download them separately
-USB2 support (requires hardware but...)
-Better support of icons/pictures previews

And many more things but this is growing big too fast so I have to stop here, for now :D

Oh, I forgot about this which is a must:
-Faster startup & shutdown times
As a designer, I yearn for Finder font previewing and managing. ATM and ATR need replacement !