How is anyone's hardware outdated now? Just because Apple will use Intel processors in the future does not make anyone's PPC-based machine obsolete. Software companies will continue to develop "FAT" binaries which will run on PPC and Intel hardware alike.
Intel has nothing to do with Windows. Just because Apple will be using Intel chips doesn't have anything to do with Microsoft or Windows.
I think we need to nip some concerns in the bud, right here, right now:
1) Apple will be using Intel chips in the future. This means absolutely nothing to consumers -- only developers.
2) Your PPC-based software will run just fine on any future Intel-based Mac OS X hardware under a very fast emulation layer, much like Classic or older 68xxx emulation did in the past.
3) The change will be seamless to consumers -- you'll still sit down at an Apple-branded machine and run the same damn software under the same damn OS X.
4) Windows applications will not run on an Intel-based Mac OS X system. Can you run x86 Linux applications on Windows or vice-versa? Same for Mac. You don't program for the processor so much as you program for the operating system. Windows binaries still have Windows-specific API calls.
5) You will not be able to install the Intel-based version of Mac OS X on anything other than an Apple-branded Intel-based computer. You will not be able to build a cheap-o Intel box and expect to be able to install Mac OS X on it. Mac OS X will only install on Apple-branded computers, period, whether they're Intel- or PPC-based.
6) As far as the consumer is concerned, this shift means nothing. Apple isn't going to suddenly start selling $500 computers. The same engineering and R&D will go into Intel-based Macintosh computers as went into PPC-based Macintosh computers.
7) Porting current Mac OS X PPC applications to Mac OS X Intel applications will not be as much of a headache as people are making it out to be. Unless your program has low-level PPC-specific code in it, it'll be a simple matter of a few changes and a recompile (really!). The APIs will be the same, the code will be the same, and it will not take much time. Estimates range from 2 days to 2 weeks to fully port an application -- a drop in the hat for any software developer worth a damn.
People are acting like it's the end of the Macintosh as we know it -- it's not. They're changing processors, just like they did going from the G2 to the G3 to the G4 to the G5. Now, our processors will be CISC-based and not RISC-based -- big friggin' deal! The end-user won't notice a difference at all. Let the software developers work out the (small) kinks.
Just think -- we as end users get faster machines. What other drawbacks are there? Is it impossible to sit in front of a Mac without thinking about the processor that's running the machine, or is it just gonna drive y'all nuts knowing that there's an "Intel inside?"