Mac wont read the install disc? Password lock out


Hi, i have forgot my login password and when i put the op disc in and restart it to try and get into utilities section of the disc - it just takes me to the password screen. I have tried combination of keys like holding C key etc and i just cant get into it. Does anyone have any ideas please because it keeps taking me to the password screen and i cant do anything with it, i cant even get into safe mode.

thx for reply - i actually cant get passed the mac os x password screen - whatever i do, whatever key combination just takes me to the password box... very frustrating its like its locked itself down good and proper and is not responding to any keyboard commands or the install disc.... each time i boot or restart and press cmd s or C its straight into the password box.
If that password box is a simple blank box with a padlock at the left end, and does not show a choice for your user name, then you have your firmware password set.

Which Mac do you have, and how old is it?
Most current Mac models will NOT respond to the common tips for a user to clear a firmware password, and you will be required to contact AppleCare for help with that.
it is an iMac early 2008 model - it does not seem to respond to any of the cmd options or boot from the disc - can apple care rescue it? never used them before.

thanks for all your replies btw... :) i am very new to apple products
Are you getting the single password box, with a padlock on the left end of that box?
This password box has NO text, and does not have a title, it's simply a blank line, with a padlock.
Is that what you see when you try to boot to another disk? or try to use other boot options?
If yes, you MUST clear the firmware password before you can successfully boot to another disk.
Let us know if that answer about the firmware password is "yes".

If NO -
Are you using an Apple-brand USB keyboard?
If not, try a different keyboard.
I get the white sign in box with apple symbol at top of box underneath says Mac OS X then my name as the account with small pic and underneath that password box and underneath that it has two options says back and login. I am using the white usb keyboard which came with the computer
That sounds like a standard login window, and not the window requesting a firmware password, so that's good news!

If your iMac is a 2008 iMac model, then you would need a minimum of OS X 10.5.2 to boot and install on your Mac.
What version is listed on the label of the OS X installer DVD?
Then, insert that DVD, then restart while holding the C key. That will force your system to boot to that DVD, so continue past the screen where you select your language.
You'll see menus appear at the top of the screen. One will be the Utilities menu, so click on that, and choose Change Password from that menu. It might say Reset Password, so either is fine.
Follow the prompts to change the password for the account that you want to change. System Administrator will not be the correct account, so look for the name in the drop-down menu that you want to use as your normal account, and change that one. When complete, Restart your Mac, which will take you to a login screen, so choose your account, or enter the account name, and then the password that you just changed.
Let us know if that works...
yes i did that - put disc in and restarted held down the C key, but it just keeps taking me to the logon screen and it isnt recognising the disc that is in there, i have never known a pc to ignore when a disc is inserted on start up. Its really odd, unless the firmware really is locked. In which case im not sure what to do next.
I am in - woo hoo..... at last it gave up and asked me did i want to install from disc. I followed your instructions and changed the password through utilities.... I logged in and out a few times just to make sure no gremlins where messing about... lol Yep all is well.

Thank you all so much for your help... :) :)