So I am an idiot because I paid for .mac? Thanks for letting me and 179,999 other people know that we are idiots. We should have contacted you first to let us know how to be "smart".
Heath Pitts
Heath Pitts
Originally posted by onegoodpenguin
It is completely ignorant to compare Apple's paid online services to Yahoo's free offerings. I don't want to see advertisements when I check my mail over the web, and I don't want to wonder what kind of footer will be at the bottom of every email I send. I'm paying Apple for the convenience of using a quality service, not a bare-bones, ad revenue supported service. We all know Yahoo and Hotmail are considering drastic changes to their "business" models as we speak. They are both losing money. Apple would've been cool to continue iTools, but I can't hold it against them for moving to .Mac. It was way better than the other free services, so don't compare them. (And not just because, "oh, it's from Apple.")
Originally posted by cokeymon
No-one's crying - just calling anyone who paid for .mac a sucker!
Yahoo has free online storage for files & photosharing (30MB), free webspace via Geocities & of course free email.
Originally posted by nvaughan3
shows how ignorant you are. yahoo is currently profitable. hotmail signed up tens of thousands for their paying service, and even if it isnt profitable by itself (i suspect it is), there is the matter of how it funnels millions and millions of customers through MS's msn.com portal.
Originally posted by roger
No-one is saying that you can't get .Mac functionality elsewhere for free. However no free service will guarantee service quality and/or uptime. If you don't rely on that functionality then why should you pay when you get it free? If you do rely on it, then pay and enjoy the peace of mind.
I don't pay for .Mac because I don't need the functionality that much. However I applaud apple for making the service available to me should my requirements change.
Other people have free web hosting. However I pay for mine because I get great service, because I need it. I can get the same functionality elsewhere, but not of the same quality.
Originally posted by cokeymon
My word! You're all rather touchy aren't you? And completely blind as well I might add. Blind to the faults of the worshipful apple.
I'd just like to add that you shouldn't have to pay a subscription fee to get the full benefit of a new operating system. M$ was going to do that but withdrew - now Apple refuses to learn from M$'s mistakes.
I wonder how many potential Mac converts would be switched OFF by hearing:
"Yes, OS X.2 is great, but to get true functionality you must pay $100 a year."
Not even M$ would sink so low. Wise up to yourselves.
Originally posted by cokeymon
Haha you lost. Thanks for the amusement!
try studying some basic ecomonics
Originally posted by onegoodpenguin
Recent Convert? Read: Recent ignorant PC user. Browse through the recent posts in this thread, Cokeymon, and unless you're a complete moron, you will have to admit that your arguments are weak and foolish. I challenged you personally to come up with something that we couldn't refute in our sleep, and you didn't meet it. You lost.