...Pokemon or whatever you call yourself...
You think all the people who paid for .Mac are suckers because if the didn't pay in the first place then Apple would NOT continue to ask $49/$99 for .Mac, eh?
Well, maybe you are ALL wrong... Well, they could have ENDED the whole thing cause we all know that Apple when feels that a product isn't selling, simply kills it... Newton anyone? Cube? Well, maybe EVEN you got the point...
If not, you, yourself sucks... You suck cokeys! Also, what about you? Your monkey co. that you got there? Do you suck? Suck... Suck... Suck...
And before ANY kind of admin gets over here, suck some more cokeys, because SO FAR, admins DIDN'T stop you from sucking... So there... Suck... Cokeysucker...
You win cokeys... Cokey-sucker... Suck... Suck... Suck until you pass over from sucking...
Buy .Mac service, buy ANY Mac and then get a life because so far you enjoy sucking others lives... Cokey-sucker...
NOTE TO ADMINS: How is this possible? In our News/Rumors forum you let a blind to tell us that we are blinds... A sheep to tell us that we are sheep's... A sucker to tell us that we are suckers... That's good for the forum you fellas... Do something because he/she thinks that this is getting funny!!!
To all other members of this forum (including guests) I apologize for using language like this... I usually talk dirtier
(this supposedly is a joke --and supposedly this is the moment where you start laughing)