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Anyone notice that Apple has extended it's subscription period for .mac?

I wonder how long that'll go on...

You have to laugh really - they obviously haven't got anywhere near the no. of subscribers they want (I mean, 100k sounds like a lot, but it's only a fraction of their installed base)

Consumer power rocks.
100 000 is a lot.

The .Mac extension is the result of iSync's late arrival.

iTools never brought profits to Apple. Now all of a sudden they have a product that brought them about 6-7 million dollars in two months. If you consider that Apple's quarterly profits are in the 30M range, that 6-7 million is a huge amount of money.

.Mac is a success. Failure to acknowledge that can generally be attributed to the fact that people who lost their "free lunch" are annoyed due to the fact that Apple took away what it gave to them for free. And these people want to mouth off and try to make it seem as though Apple has done something wrong, in their interest and the customers'. While the opposite is true.

Keep in mind, Apple's not a charity organization. It has no obligation to provide free services on expensive servers.

Maintaining a free iTools was eating away their profits. You would probably rather have seen Apple die at the rabid hands of the "we want free, now" crowd through the failure that was iTools, eh?
I'd like to see a quicker operating system with quicker loading apps on a quicker machine.

My Dual 1GB machine will be the last Apple I buy until 2006, maybe then there will be a Apple system that can run OSX up to standard.. ie: as quick as windows, as quick as X11 on any unix, etc.
I have 2 words for you:

Ya Hoo.

If they can do it for free (Whoops I'm forgetting Backup and Antivirus... Big Deal) and better, then why can't Apple?

100,000 suckers paid for .mac - and Apple has extended their sign-up period to try and convince more "Oh it's from Apple so it must be good" suckers to join in...

Just because you got taken in doesn't mean Apple is on to a good thing with .mac

If you want to pay for extra storage space, go ahead, but don't try and tell me that Apple needs to charge every user of .mac to turn a profit. Again, I quote:

If you want to a good read on the value of the old free iTools model for Apple head to The Register very interesting article, looks like Apple will be losing a good source of revenue making people pay.
It is completely ignorant to compare Apple's paid online services to Yahoo's free offerings. I don't want to see advertisements when I check my mail over the web, and I don't want to wonder what kind of footer will be at the bottom of every email I send. I'm paying Apple for the convenience of using a quality service, not a bare-bones, ad revenue supported service. We all know Yahoo and Hotmail are considering drastic changes to their "business" models as we speak. They are both losing money. Apple would've been cool to continue iTools, but I can't hold it against them for moving to .Mac. It was way better than the other free services, so don't compare them. (And not just because, "oh, it's from Apple.")
I never got any spam from my (iTools) mac.com email address. That was a big plus for me, and I told people about it. I was proud of my email address. It was short, sweet, easy, and free. Plus it advertised the fact that I was an Apple-fan.

I wonder if Apple ever planned on selling their list, as the Register suggested…
Excellent article - thanks MDLarson.

And sorry, "onegoodpenguin", you do seem to be another crazy apple lover.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Apple, but I don't appreciate Mr Jobs adopting M$ tactics. Hotmail is annoying and spam ridden, and M$ is desperate to make you pay (only 2MB storage!!) but at least it's free.

Yahoo isn't spam ridden, has good storage (6MB + 30MB) and doesn't charge ridiculous prices to increase the mailbox size.

Not everything Apple does is good - and the more people who realised this the better. Try reading this article, also from the Register:


Some people are just nuts.
...buy the .Mac stuff!

If all you want is a SLOW, via browser-ONLY accessible email, stuffed with ADs AND JUNK email have your mouth and brain full of it here:

For those who NEED NOT to mess with the above crap PLUS get A LOT MORE stuff can go here:

It's a free world and NOT a free stuff world we live so back off... For those who whine THAT much for .Mac OBVIOUSLY haven't heard about the FREE 3-month trial of .Mac so go there and learn more about it... Or even better give it a shot AND stop whining!

You think that Yahoo! and HotMail is for free? I'm sure that you got that ALL wrong... Trust me: ALL wrong!

As for those fellas (including me) who paid for .Mac it was actually a no-brain stuff:
-Having my freedom for $49 or $99 a year, ONLY? Gee, let me think... M$ vs Yahoo vs Apple? Apple wins hands down... ;)

And what about @macosx.com? I would chose EVEN this BLINDLY over M$ and Yahoo stuff! EASILY... :D
I read this morning that subscritions rate is up to 180,000 as of yesterday. Also, Apple has announced an special educational rates of $59 with reduced email storage and on line disk storage.

I am not a Apple cheerleader, however, I signed up at the introductary rate to support the cause and to get the newer version of Virex 7.1. It will be a gut wrencher next year to cough up a C note for the same service.
I think 180.000 paying .mac users is very much. A lot of people subscribed to more than one free itools account. I had three. So 2 million free itools members doesn't mean 2 million people. Now I have one .mac account.
I subscribed to .mac and I generally enjoy the service. I have an external dvd-burner so I can't use backup to burn discs (? why is this?). I do like having the imap email account and the web space with no ads. Webmail needs to ad the ability to sync your contacts on your home mac with the webmail address book and I would also like to sync the contacts with other computers (PCs).

The real thing I like is being able to post thumbnails of my pics so easily. That just saves a lot of time. I was always looking for something so simple when I used a PC for my main computer at home. Should have looked at the mac a long time ago.

Heath Pitts

AIM: dheathpitts
Well, if I'm "another crazy apple lover," consider me a CCL Hosting lover too. I know little about that company, but I pay 6.95 a month to host my website there. I get 50 megabytes of webspace, and an email address, along with standard CGI access and stuff. Now, I will be paying a total of $83.40 if I keep using the web hosting provider for an entire year. I must REALLY love them. I payed 49.xx for .Mac. It integrates with my various iApps and lets me update things on my webpage easily that I wouldn't bother to do otherwise. Attractive, simple webmail. I mean, I just don't see how you can label me as another bias Apple fan when I'm making a simple statement that we are getting more than Hotmail and Yahoo users.

I would like to point out that the ones who are truly "crazy" are the ones who want a free service from Apple, and the reason is this: In stating, "Hotmail is annoying and spam ridden, and M$ is desperate to make you pay (only 2MB storage!!) but at least it's free," you are saying that Hotmail is better than .Mac strictly based on it's free status. Okay, so let Apple create a free service with exactly the same features (and annoyances) as MS and Yahoo. You'd use it then? A service that admittedly has no improvement over it's competitors? That would be bias, my friend. Otherwise you're expecting Apple to pay for your services out of their pocket. So if you have your Hotmail, why complain about no .Mac? You should have to pay to get a superior product, and that's what we pay for, not an Apple brand.
Originally posted by onegoodpenguin
I would like to point out that the ones who are truly "crazy" are the ones who want a free service from Apple………So if you have your Hotmail, why complain about no .Mac? You should have to pay to get a superior product, and that's what we pay for, not an Apple brand.
I agree with you, but for those of us who had an iTools account didn't want a lot of the other stuff that .mac includes. While I used my iDisk website a little bit, I was and would be truly happy just to have mdlarson@mac.com but not at $100 / year!!!

The least Apple could have done was offer tiered pricing for the basic services, and people who were willing to pay for the premium stuff, well, $100 it is. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm willing to pay for quality (I use a Mac after all), but not for stuff I don't want / need.

Also, I think the iTools whiners whine because it is such a pain to switch email addresses. You have to email everybody in your address book, and who knows if they actually get the update done? My grandma got an @mac.com email address, and I had the unpleasant duty to explain to her that it wouldn't last forever. It's not fun paying for something that you took for granted. Apple advertised iTools as a part of the OS, and then they pulled their bait-and-switch. I don't respect Apple as much as I did before for that.

It was a bait-and-switch.
Originally posted by cokeymon
I have 2 words for you:

Ya Hoo.

If they can do it for free (Whoops I'm forgetting Backup and Antivirus... Big Deal) and better, then why can't Apple?

100,000 suckers paid for .mac - and Apple has extended their sign-up period to try and convince more "Oh it's from Apple so it must be good" suckers to join in...

Just because you got taken in doesn't mean Apple is on to a good thing with .mac

If you want to pay for extra storage space, go ahead, but don't try and tell me that Apple needs to charge every user of .mac to turn a profit. Again, I quote:


Yahoo doesn't offer anything other than basic e-mail full of ads now...that's free?

To get the ability to share files publicaly you have to pay. Go look at the services they offer again.

Why does everybody want something for nothing? It's called being lazy IMHO. Quit crying, it's so childish.
Why would you pay for .mac when you get a free email address with your ISP. but then again why would some one have 8 email address like i do
"Why does everybody want something for nothing? It's called being lazy IMHO. Quit crying, it's so childish."

No-one's crying - just calling anyone who paid for .mac a sucker!

Yahoo has free online storage for files & photosharing (30MB), free webspace via Geocities & of course free email.

But that isn't the point. The point is, some suckers paid over the odds for .mac JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE BLIND TO APPLE's FAULTS.

Personally, I pay for an ISP and I get my spam & ad free email and webspace from them.

I'm guessing that most people who signed up for .mac are adults with Credit Cards, who would also pay for an ISP. Why would they also pay for .mac whenever they get email & webspace from their ISP? BECAUSE THEY'RE SUCKERS!

Yahoo is mentioned because they provide very similar functionality to .mac for free. I'll accept that spam and ad free email is worth a premium, but not $100 a year!

Yours smugly,

Originally posted by cokeymon
"Why does everybody want something for nothing? It's called being lazy IMHO. Quit crying, it's so childish."

No-one's crying - just calling anyone who paid for .mac a sucker!

Yahoo has free online storage for files & photosharing (30MB), free webspace via Geocities & of course free email.

But that isn't the point. The point is, some suckers paid over the odds for .mac JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE BLIND TO APPLE's FAULTS.

Personally, I pay for an ISP and I get my spam & ad free email and webspace from them.

I'm guessing that most people who signed up for .mac are adults with Credit Cards, who would also pay for an ISP. Why would they also pay for .mac whenever they get email & webspace from their ISP? BECAUSE THEY'RE SUCKERS!

Yahoo is mentioned because they provide very similar functionality to .mac for free. I'll accept that spam and ad free email is worth a premium, but not $100 a year!

Yours smugly,


wow, it sounds like you have some serious aggression. why don't you just let it be? .mac provides more than just a web account and not everyone gets free web space with their ISP (think LAN). apple integrated .mac well with the OS and people are paying for the ease of use, among other tools. .mac will keep evolving. shouldn't you be happy that apple is making money? don't make the generalization that everyone who pays for .mac is an apple addict who swears by everything they say. you think it's a bad deal. fine. go yahoo yourself silly. just don't throw around insults like you have the end-all truth of the world.
Everyone is stupid.

Why complain about Apple getting money from suckers?

Anyone who has ever bought RAM from Apple is a sucker. Why do people pay four times more for Apple RAM than any other RAM seller? I guess its those same people who got a .mac account.

Don't complain about .mac unless you have complained about their RAM prices first.
I will insult the idiots who paid for .mac because they contribute to Apple's arrogance in thinking that charging is a feasible idea.

As long as there are people out there who refuse to criticise the great Jobs, Apple will continue to do things like overcharge for hardware and services.
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